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Sparky speaks

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Everything posted by Sparky speaks

  1. A More Accurate KONY 2012 Campaign Poster... Featured here is Cecil Rhodes who helped the British Empire literally conquer a massive swath of Africa from the north all the way to the south, the portion over which Rhodes is spanning in the illustration. In memory of his megalomania, the British would name what is now modern day Zimbabwe after him, calling it "Rhodesia." Today, US Africa Command, known as AFRICOM, is spreading across Africa in the footsteps of Cecil Rhodes. As reported by allAfrica.com, Vice Admiral Moeller at an AFRICOM meeting held at Fort McNair on February 18, 2008 woul
  2. Good film about Goldman Sachs... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7mw1qHgTy4
  3. Here's my favorite club show... http://blackstarnews.com/news/135/ARTICLE/8007/2012-03-08.html
  4. You might want to read this before you send them your money... http://blog.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2012/03/07/guest_post_joseph_kony_is_not_in_uganda_and_other_complicated_things
  5. You can't believe everything you see on the internets... Youth Movement Promotes US Military Presence in Central Africa Written by Nile Bowie ...This is the first large-scale campaign to mobilize social medialites to aggregate public support for what would otherwise be, controversial pro-intervention US foreign policy. The production relies on highly charged and often unrelated emotional triggers, which ultimately rely on the viewers sense of compassion in tandem with a lack of prior information on the subject to produce a desired result – explicitly, the villainous mythification of K
  6. It looks like you all are going to get what you wished for, the fourth term of the Bush administration. Heaven help all of us...
  7. Your answers are written in the Constitution of the United States... http://constitutionus.com/ This is pretty good...
  8. Here's some of that change Obama promised... Obama Sets NDAA Detention Guidelines Students of history may recall the year 49 B.C. Early in that momentous year, a popular soldier-statesman crossed the Rubicon River, thus effectively declaring war on the citizens on the Republic whose acclaim had exalted him to the pinnacle of authority and strength. The details of the story are recounted by the historian Suetonius. Suetonius writes that upon approaching the banks of that historic boundary, Julius Caesar stood before his legion of faithful soldiers and uttered the now-famous phrase: alea iac
  9. Ron Paul Revolution: THE GREAT AWAKENING http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=co0WmN_0piw
  10. Even the left doesn't like Obama because he is viewed as a corporate puppet...
  11. This is not a partisan issue. Forget about political party, left, right, conservative, liberal, Obama, Romney, Santorum and all the rest who support and want to maintain the current system. There is only one person running for president who addresses the elephant in the room... The Fall of the Dollar - The Death of a Fiat Currency http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAZ81lqppn8&feature=related
  12. This discussion has sure taken on a different tone. If you spent more time trying to think about how we can avoid the shit-storm that is coming to this country than to waste your time trying to break the secret libertarian code book we might eventually agree on something. Here's Abbott and Costello talking in code about the unemployment rate... Abbott and Costello Solve the Unemployment Problem COSTELLO: I want to talk about the unemployment rate in America. ABBOTT: Good subject. Terrible times. It’s about 9%. COSTELLO: That many people are out of work? ABBOTT: No, that’s 16%. CO
  13. Libertarians are opposed to central banks such as the Federal Reserve. They are also opposed to the fiat currency printed by our central bank. Have you read anything posted here?
  14. One Month to Go Until We Have the World's Highest Corporate Tax Rate Just one month from today, the United States will have the highest corporate income tax rate in the developed world, surpassing Japan. Just one month from today, Japan will lower their corporate income tax rate from 39.5 to 35 percent. When they do so, the United States will officially have the dubious distinction of possessing the highest corporate income tax rate in the developed world, a federal/state integrated rate of 39.2 percent. To put that in perspective, the average in the developed world (OECD) is only 25 perc
  15. If you have the Beatles on Ed Sullivan DVD you can see Davy Jones perform in a bit from the play Oliver in which he was performing at the time back in February 1964. Kind of a weird coincidence since he later would become one of the imitation Beatles with the Monkees a couple of years later.
  16. Great article... Libertarians versus Liberals on the Poor by Jacob G. Hornberger Wouldn’t it be great to have a national debate between liberals and libertarians over whose philosophy and policies help the poor? For decades liberals have claimed that the welfare-state/regulated-economy way of life helps the poor. That has been the major rationale for the statist way of life under which we have all been born and raised. Libertarians, on the other hand, hold the exact opposite. We hold that economic statism is the very worst thing for the poor. Contrary to liberals, we contend that if
  17. Could this be the reason Ron Paul hasn't won yet? I think they call this voter fraud...
  18. In dog years maybe... Watch this to get a better understanding of what Ron Paul is all about. From 2010... For Liberty: Ron Paul Revolution http://youtu.be/UJG3BJQij-c
  19. Interesting take on the world economic crisis with some nice eye candy to help you digest what is being discussed. It appears to go way beyond the debate being discussed here in this thread... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXNqgk5XzA8 It looks like both sides of our debate are losing according to this article... Creeping Fascism, Part One: Return of the Company Town All of which makes the left/right divide irrelevant, because both ideologies are getting what they want as well as what they fear. The left wants a big, active government and fears corporate control, while the right (
  20. I think this is where that idea comes from. The first minute...
  21. Why do you all argue for higher taxes? Let us keep what we earn. Let us decide how to spend it. I don't care about other countries and their tax rates. Let your wealthy friends send a check to the government if they want to pay higher taxes. The government spends too much, it places too many restrictions on the people who are looking to start up businesses, it taxes those who create jobs to the point where they have moved over seas or makes them reluctant to invest at all. This country was created based on the idea of free enterprise not collectivism. We are now a socialist country following t
  22. Actions speak louder than words... Taking Stock of Obama’s Dividend Tax Hike Proposal Written by Michael Tennant In his 2013 budget proposal, President Barack Obama is asking for what amounts to a tripling of the corporate dividends tax rate for high-income earners (individuals and households with annual incomes exceeding $200,000 and $250,000, respectively). If it were just a typical attack on the wealthy, with the usual negative side effects of transferring cash from job creators to politicians, it would be bad enough. But a huge hike in the dividend tax rat
  23. I was eighteen... Obama does. ("I think, when you spread the wealth around, it's a good thing." Obama to Joe the plumber) Collectivism and statism is the reality today in the United States, unfortunately. We have a strange mix of corporatism (fascism) and a planned economy (socialism). Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy. A theory or system of social reform which contemplates a complete reconstruction of society, with
  24. Romney-Paul deal in the works? Will Rand Paul Become Mitt Romney's Running Mate? At the start of this month, I stated the below and then asked a question: Dr. Paul's delegates will be very important in choosing the Republican nominee. Romney, and the others, will want those delegates desperately. This is why it is more important than ever to keep up the effort to get the Ron Paul votes out. Every additional delegate that Dr. Paul walks into the convention with will make him that much stronger in terms of negotiating power. The key question than becomes, what does Dr. Paul demand f
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