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Sparky speaks

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Everything posted by Sparky speaks

  1. High corporate tax rates discourage investment and new business from starting and send business and jobs overseas. Do you want the government to spend your money or do you want to spend it or invest it or save it the way you choose? There is nothing wrong with low taxes. Send the treasury a check if you feel you aren't being taxed enough. He is an OBGYN and is sworn to protect life, what is the problem there? Are you proud of the 40 million abortions performed in this country since 1973? How did all that foreign aid we sent to Egypt, Libya and Iraq work out for you? Ron Paul trying to sell th
  2. What's so nutty about advocating that our leaders obey the Constitution? Is it nutty to desire a return to a more free enterprise based economy? Is it nutty to have a sound currency or do you think it is nutty to keep printing money at such a rate that will eventually erode its' value to the point of destroying it through inflation? Is it nutty to cease the endless wars we are fighting or is it nutty to bomb a new country every month and spend trillions on new wars and corrupt dictators? Is it nutty not to want to be sexually assaulted or subjected to body scans at airports or to be arreste
  3. Maybe not. No one's perfect... But are you happy with perpetual war, the destruction of civil liberties, endless bailouts, corporate cronyism, the destruction of the dollar, the outsourcing of all our jobs, the collapsing banking system, the evergrowing welfare state and the staggering 15.2 trillion dollar debt, to name a few things all of the other candidates either support or have done nothing about? I'm sure you are not. Paul is the only one to address these issues. By the way, the results of the election are already in... http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=AP
  4. The choice couldn't be any clearer...
  5. I knew that. I was just trying to be funny. By the way, is this a video download or just music?
  6. This should keep you busy... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2096160/Radioactive-leaks-crippled-Fukushima-nuclear-power-plant-increase-months-declared-safe.html /http://www.envirorep...hepa-trouble-1/ http://www3.nhk.or.j...0120129_23.html http://www.voanews.c...-138048973.html http://www.globalres...xt=va&aid=28870 http://fukushima-diary.com/ http://enenews.com/t...actor-3-leaking http://globalresearc...xt=va&aid=28813 http://www.enviroreporter.com/ http://www.marketwat...lout-2011-12-19 http://fukushimaupdate.com/ http://www.activistp...ma-has-now.html
  7. The boys just want to have fun. Can't wait for the McCartney obession to begin...
  8. Since the festival isn't until 2013, if you start walking now...
  9. I'll be putting up new storm doors and power washing the house in the spring. Other than that I don't have much else planned. Thanks for asking though...
  10. The best guitar sotre in the world. Especially if you are into Martins... http://www.gruhn.com/home.html http://www.gruhn.com/catalog/mf.htm
  11. Go here for full story of finding the location of the album cover photo... http://www.popspotsnyc.com/simonandgarfunkel/
  12. I just called the hotel I booked for June 22-24 to cancel my reservation and to avoid making payment or cancellation fees. I had until Dec. 31st so I wasn't taking any chances of getting stuck with a $400 bill and no festival to attend. I did ask the person at the hotel if they had heard anything about the festival. For what it is worth, he was told it was going to take place this year but he had no dates. I cancelled. We'll see...
  13. Cheetah, 80, R.I.P. December 27, 2011 by Don Surber The good folks at the Suncoast Primate Sanctuary in Palm Harbor, Florida, spared us all a sad holiday by waiting until today to announce: “It is with great sadness that the community has lost a dear friend and family member on December 24, 2011. Cheetah, star of the Tarzan films, passed away after kidney failure during the week of December 19, 2011. The Sanctuary’s residents and volunteers would like to thank all of the community members for their continued support as the Sanctuary continues to expand on the legacy and foundation Ch
  14. Full Noel Gallagher concert... http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAA91C8DB8390298E&feature=plcp
  15. I can attest to that conversation...
  16. Come on guys, yes or no. I was getting ready to cancel my hotel for June 22-24 before the end of the year to avoid paying money but figured I'd check here to see if there was any news and saw this thread. It would be nice to have another one, but if not, just tell us. We'll still go in 2013.
  17. Someone told me about Uncle Tupelo around 93 or 94. I bought a couple of CDs. I liked Tweedy's voice better than Farrar's. Around that same time Tupelo broke up and I read somewhere how they were forming new bands. Bought the first Son Volt album and the first Wilco album not really knowing who was with each band. Wilco had Tweedy, so there you are...
  18. No, this is the how much Stevie Wonder appreciates Jeff Tweedy thread...
  19. Still no hint of Solid Sound 2012. I have until the end of December to cancel the hotel rooms I booked without costing me money based on the early rumors of June 24-26. See this http://www.festheads.com/index.cfm?fA=fest.main&fid=143 Too bad. Most everything is booked up there already and it appears finding lodging will be almost impossible if a date is eventually announced. They could play in my backyard if they they wish. Everyone have a good holiday.
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