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Sparky speaks

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Everything posted by Sparky speaks

  1. So what about the growing debt, the collapsing dollar, the loss of jobs,increasing poverty, the continuing wars, the rise in the cost of living, mortgage foreclosures, the endless printing of fiat currency, the destruction of our civil liberties, and on and on and on....??? Enjoy... The following are 20 signs you might be a typical American worker.... #1 If you are working three jobs and you still don't have enough money at the end of the month, you might be a typical American worker. #2 If your job involves asking the question "Would you like fries with that?", you might be a typical Amer
  2. My best memory of Carter happened to be one of my most depressing baseball moments. I was seated to the left behind home plate where the screen comes down in the first row for the 7th game of the 86 World Series and being a Red Sox fan I figured it was my destiny to be there when they won their first World Series championship in some 68 years. (My brother in-law worked for Sikorsky's at the time and got me tickets throughout that year for Mets games from a vendor) I should have known better of course. I was even slightly happy that they had blown the 6th game so I could attend the 7th. I broug
  3. You haven't any legs to stand on when debating the real issues so you might as well throw some mud. Isn't that what politicians do when they have no credibility left on the issues that really mean something? It's tough arguing against the Constitution, liberty and peace isn't it?. Some racist... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHFOZC8ock4&feature=related The key question is now: is Ron Paul a racist? The answer is an unequivocal no. What the mainstream media, and to a certain extent the general public, have to realize is that genuine libertarians cannot be racist. Nevermind what Paul
  4. That's good because they've got a lot more work to do here.... A concrete-and-sheet metal facility that was retrofitted with wire pens and wooden isolation cells, the center is part of Bagram Air Base in the ancient city of Bagram near Charikar in Parvan, Afghanistan. In January 2010, the American military released the names of 645 detainees held at the main detention center at Bagram, modifying its long-held position against publicizing such information. This list was prompted by a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit filed in September 2009 by the American Civil Liberties Union, whose lawy
  5. This should bring us all together... RON PAUL & DENNIS KUCINICH TOGETHER http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8q08HL1xD1U&feature=related
  6. I couldn't resist... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWSF0ddWVJo&feature=related
  7. Lou, I don't get where you come off accusing me of being a neo-con sympathizer. I guess you haven't read my posts very carefully. Wanting to end our wars overseas, stopping torture and closing American concentration camps for our so-called captured enemy combatants, isn't what I would call supporting the neo-con way. I look for information from all sources be it the National Review or the The Nation. I'm not afraid to read something I don't agree with. That's how one learns to shape opinions and to educate oneself. It's healthy to absorb different points of view. That's how one grows intellec
  8. Don't worry things are getting better. Just ask these folks... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=suJCvkazrTc Video: BBC Panorama Show- Poor in America Plus What The BBC Did Not Say Posted on February 17, 2012 by horse237 I would like to make a few comments on what this video documentary below does not say. It does not say that both Republican and Democratic leaders supported NAFTA which sent 50,000 manufacturing plants overseas. It does say that Obama spent billions on Detroit’s auto industry. That was highly misleading. He spent billions so the car industry could relocate to
  9. I couldn't have said it better myself... How betrayed do you have to be before you realize that both parties are against you? Our country has been robbed. Our future prospects are bleak. Trillions of dollars have been looted from the economy and no one in our government is holding the thieves accountable – Obama is not, the Democrats are not and the Republicans are not. They are all pivotal accomplices in the continued rape of our country. So stop deluding yourself into believing that only the opposing party is to blame. Focusing on one party as the source of our problems is journalisticall
  10. Maybe Paul could open for Wilco on their summer tour and do an encore with them the next time they are on Austin City Limits?
  11. So, I guess we should all be satisfied with Obama and Romney as our choices. Close the thread. There are no issues to discuss. They are both the same anyway. Accept the candidates the establishment have thrust upon us, keep our mouths shut and be happy they even let us vote at all. Ignore the man behind the curtain and enjoy the show. Every thing will turn out alright if we wish really hard or just decide to ignore the real problems. We should continue with the same tried and true policies that have failed repeatedly to revitalize our economy. We should all be happy, willing and eager to pay m
  12. Why do you think the Deomocrats are going to satisfy you on these issues? Government sponsored health care has not curtailed rising costs nor has it improved medical care for the people. Should we continue to follow these policies just because a Democrat supports them? Think beyond party. We need to create a new paradigm or a new political organization based on getting the government out of our lives. The bigger the government, the less freedom we have. Abortion and gay rights are distraction issues. They are not issues the federal government or presidential candidates should even be concern
  13. You don't get it yet. Why do you all defend this path to disaster that our nation is traveling? Both parties are responsible. OK?? I'm not taking sides here. I've told you they all support bigger and bigger government. Why is it okay for Obama, Democrats, etc. to continue the same failed policies that Bush, Republicans, neo-cons etc., and the Democrats before them and the Republicans before them, forced upon us? Where is the money coming from to pay whatever amount of trillions we owe and are going to owe? Are we going to have to pay 100 % of what we earn some day to support this ever growin
  14. The Cost of Obama By JEFFREY H. ANDERSON According to the White House’s own figures (see table S-1 here for 2011 to 2013, and table S-1 here for 2010), the actual or projected deficit tallies for the four years in which Obama has submitted budgets are as follows: $1.293 trillion in 2010, $1.300 trillion in 2011, $1.327 trillion in 2012, and $901 billion in 2013. In addition, Obama is responsible for the estimated $200 billion (the Congressional Budget Office’s figure) that his economic “stimulus” added to the deficit in 2009. Moreover, he shouldn’t get credit for the $149 billion in TAR
  15. Total debt by 2013 approaching 20 TRILLION and rising. This does not include the unfunded mandates of Social Security and Medi-Care that we will have to pay as well. That adds another 61.6 trillion to the 20 trillion. Some claim that number is actually 114 trillion when other mandates are added in as well. If you had been given a million dollars a day since the time of Christ, until today, you would not have received 1 Trillion dollars yet. To see what 1 trillion dollars looks like using $100 bills stacked on pallets click the link below. That's a person on the left. We owe $81.6 trillio
  16. The United States Department of Education, also referred to as ED or the ED for (the) Education Department, is a Cabinet-level department of the United States government. Recreated by the Department of Education Organization Act (Public Law 96-88) and signed into law by President Jimmy Carter on October 17, 1979, it began operating on May 16, 1980.[2]
  17. So you believe you need the government to tell you what is best for your child's education? You can't make those decisions yourself? There is a place for public education. But an expansion of the Department of Education will not improve education in this country. Look at the state of education since it was created. What do you think needs expansion? Who will pay for it? Why not leave education to the states and local governments where the Constitution put it? Do you want the government telling doctors how to operate on you or how to treat you if you are ill? Oh, I'm sorry. They do that now too
  18. Crow, did you happen to see this? Having just finished putting three kids through college at pretty much the same time and spending over $300,000 of my hard earned money along with loans I will be paying for years to come, I can feel where you are coming from... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A75KERKwEQM
  19. I guess you have no comment on the previous three posts. I take that as an agreement with the message? Over time, sure. Paul talks about a gradual draw down of several. These agencies make laws that affect us all without congressional approval most of the time. How's NCLB or Race To The Top working out for you teachers in the crowd? Do you think we really need the federal government to tell us how to teach our kids and run our schools when they can't run the post office? They can start with the Department of Education.... Ron Paul works towards the elimination of the inefficient Department
  20. Obama has already signed this agreement. At least some people have balls to stand up for their rights... Anti-ACTA Day: Thousands protest across Europe
  21. In case anyone cares... Silent State: The Campaign Against Whistleblowers n January 23rd, the Obama administration charged former CIA officer John Kiriakou under the Espionage Act for disclosing classified information to journalists about the waterboarding of al-Qaeda suspects. His is just the latest prosecution in an unprecedented assault on government whistleblowers and leakers of every sort. Kiriakou's plight will clearly be but one more battle in a broader war to ensure that government actions and sunshine policies don't go together. By now, there can be little doubt that government
  22. In case any one is interested. For information sake rather than to stir up trouble with anyone.... How much longer can this go on? Those receiving government assistance average $300 more a year in disposable income than those who work. Report: Government Dependency Increases 23 Percent Under Obama Written by Brian Koenig American dependence on government has soared to an all-time high under the Obama administration, growing 23 percent in just two years, according to a new study by the Heritage Foundation. The conservative research group’s 2012 "Index of Dependence on Government"
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