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Sparky speaks

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Everything posted by Sparky speaks

  1. It was not all deregulation. It was the repeal of Glass-Steagall and the idea that these banks should be bailed out by the government with billions of tax dollars when they should have been allowed to fail like any other business that screws up. Credit default swaps, derivatives, liar loans and all the other games they played contributed to this crisis which is far from over. Bank of America is next. What you see going on in Europe will soon be on shores and a lot worse than what is happening there. We should do what Iceland did. No government bailouts. If we did that in 2008 we would well on
  2. The Worst Yet to Come? Why Nuclear Experts Are Calling Fukushima a Ticking Time-Bomb Experts say acknowledging the threat would call into question the safety of dozens of identically designed nuclear power plants in the U.S. http://www.alternet.org/health/155283/the_worst_yet_to_come_why_nuclear_experts_are_calling_fukushima_a_ticking_time-bomb?page=entire
  3. 60 Minutes Report: Fukushima Now Radiating Everyone: Will Impact All Of Humanity http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BAzrWJXBIM0
  4. The second night. I would expect the first night to be the particular Wilco set list they are performing on tour at that time. You would think they would have to mix things up the second night but that didn't seem to work when they played Central Park this past September. From what I can remember both shows were very similar. So, who knows??? You can't go wrong either way I suppose. It's f**king Wilco...
  5. I'm starting to get the feeling there are only about 10,000 Wilco fans but they go to all the concerts so everyone thinks they have a massive following. I'm also thinking about doing six shows in less than two weeks with those Brooklyn shows being added. I probably would not have purchased tickets for the NJ gig if I knew they would be playing closer to CT by playing two shows in NYC. I also just picked up tickets to see Dawes at Infinity Hall in Norfolk, Ct on May 30. The venue holds only 300 people and they are filming that night for a CPTV series called Live at Infinity Hall that plays here
  6. Japanese Nuclear Propaganda Cartoon: MUST SEE From 1993....
  7. Funny, that several of you have also played Whole Love recently. I put it in the car CD player about two weeks ago and I haven't taken it out since. I get to listen to a couple of songs both on the way to work and going home and I haven't gotten tired of it yet. I have the more rocking songs in my regular Wilco playlist on the Ipod when I workout but I haven't listened to the slower ballads much since the album came out. I like Sun Loathe much more now than when I first heard it. Can't say the Whole Love album will stand the test of time but I haven't listened to WTA all the way through since
  8. Here's some more hokum... Romney Obama the Same? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IWDJEc92d38
  9. Here's an idea. Maybe, they can play the whole album at the MassMoca benefit? Wishful thinking...
  10. Meanwhile, the US continues its' perpetual wars, your passport will soon be revoked if you owe the IRS any money, the US government debt is greater than, Greece, Portugal, Italy, Ireland and Spain combined, CISPA, which will destroy our internet freedom, is blowing through congress as we speak, the GSA and Secret Service are running wild, the dollar is on the verge of being replaced as the world's reserve currency, we are loosing a half million industrial jobs a year, the price of gasoline is continuing to rise, inflation, when using the old method of monitoring it is approaching 10% already t
  11. The James McCartney song reminds me a lot of Squeeze. He needs hair plugs. Thanks for the heads up about the Beatles lectures. It seems I just missed one of his lectures in New Haven about a month ago.
  12. I haven't been able to call yet. Did they accept credit card? Are tickets will-call or do they send them out?
  13. Nope, but I booked a room for next June...
  14. Are the Beatles a jam band? No. So, Wilco, the closest thing to being the American Beatles music wise, are not a jam band. Case closed.
  15. Even though Tweedy didn't write this, it is a pretty good one... Convert to mp3... http://www.youtube-mp3.org/
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dEh_Zk-scs
  17. I went to A Paul McCartney concert by myself about 20 years ago at the Meadowlands because the tickets were over $100 bucks and my wife didn't want to see him again. I had a blast. I moved as close to the stage as I could. When someone came for their seat I'd move to another empty one. I have cultivated several new Wilco fans who are friends or relatives of mine and seem to always have someone to go with. Most recently my son and nephew. Get a new GF and drag her along. If she doesn't like Wilco, dump her...
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