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Shakespeare In The Alley

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Posts posted by Shakespeare In The Alley

  1. Ugly cassanova


    Issac Brock gets very little love in the someone else's song thread. Not sure if it is because this is a wilco board and MM threatens wilco's dominance, or if it is just old fashioned ignorance, but considering modest mouse is the only American band that could rival wilco's output in almost the exact same career time line, I am always surprised to not see them mentioned more. Ugly Cass was with Tim from Califone, a via Chicago fave.

    man, i'm a pretty big modest mouse fan, but what?


    i didnt even know wilco had dominance to threaten

  2. also lee ranaldo was fantastic. i was excited to see him since i've probably missed my shot at seeing SY live, and he delivered. i liked his recent solo album a lot more than expected, and the songs sounded great live. i was kinda hoping hed come out during wilcos set, but curfews like wolf traps tend to limit the late set stuff like that. maybe later in the tour, like nick lowe last year


    And I wouldn't mind getting to see John sing "It's Just That Simple" again either. It's been quite a while. I love his reassuring enthusiasm and sweetness up there. It'd be nice to give him a turn in the spotlight again.

    i got lucky as hell and heard that at my first wilco show (december 2008). but yeah, agreed. great song and it'd be nice to see john get that moment in the spotlight more often

  3. yeah it was a good show. wilco shows dont quite excite me like they used to, but i was pretty damn happy when they came out and started with misunderstood. this was my 5th wilco show, and i think there ended up being 7/8 songs they played that i hadn't seen them do before, so moments like "oh my god, candy floss!" made the whole show worth it. setlist overall was very good for a semi new album promo tour. wolf trap brings out a lot of casual fans (not an insult by any means. wolf trap crowds have always been great in my opinion) so i imagine that played into the setlist a bit. all in all, fun show.


    that being said i couldnt help but silently hope that the band sees a significant change or two in the near future. this lineup can certainly rip it up live, but it'd be very interesting to see the lineup evolve somehow. maybe not kick anyone out of the band, but have nels or someone else sit out a few songs each night. some of those am/bt rockers and ballads just don't need three guitars or two keyboardists to play 'em. treat the band lineup as more of a collective i guess, where theres no pressure for all 6 wilco dudes to play on every song. won't happen, but i can dream.


    id also really like to see them do a whole tour of stuff like the acoustic spiders arrangement. i know not everyone likes it, but i really dig it and i think it'd be awesome to reinvent the back catalogue a bit with a stripped down tour. i know tweedy does it in his (fucking incredible) solo shows, but full band acoustic is different. they did mini acoustic sets during the evening with wilco tour, and it was a nice change of pace.

  4. i think the curfew has more to do with the surrounding area. it's northern virginia, so you're never far from a residential area. the national park status probably doesnt help. its a nice venue (and the fact that you can bring food and drinks is awesome) but the early curfew is a bummer.


    anyways, good to know. i definitely dont want to miss lee, with or without nels.


    those scrapped encore songs look nice. wouldnt mind a few of them making it into tomorrows setlist.

  5. if the ryman poster was done by hatch show print (which they usually are) then you're looking at a very expensive secondhand purchase. their stuff is always in high demand, and the never re-print a poster.

  6. Looks like I'm unable to get to these shows, so I've got an orchestra ticket for each one available. One night is row J, one night is row M. Both are right around the middle. I paid $50 each and they're pretty good seats. Buy both of them and I'll give you a deal :badger

  7. oh man, what i would give to see bulletproof->summer's kiss->faded


    that whole setlist is great, but those three songs may be the best last three tracks on any album ever


    I was there too, and it was a great show. Reading some reviews in the media and they are all praising it as a sort of legendary show, so I am glad I had the chance to see them. Makes you kind of sad that they can't continue as a proper band and record some new stuff. All I kept thinking was this is a real, take no prisoners rock n' roll band...

    hasn't been ruled out yet. if anything, dulli has seemed optimistic about maybe recording new tunes

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