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Shakespeare In The Alley

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Posts posted by Shakespeare In The Alley

  1. t. rex is absolutely r&rhof worthy. glam rock and psych folk might not be the most prominent genres in music these days, but bolan paved the way for both of them. if they were gonna get in it probably would have happened already, but you could make a great case that they belong.


    uncle tupelo? no way. the scene they helped spawn is still a niche market, and their overall influence on rock music is minimal at best.


    i think wilco is even less likely, though with their status rising with each record you never know.

  2. the braves didnt deserve to win that game. they played terrible baseball, and there were a handful of plays to blame the loss on before even getting to the infield fly call


    3 errors and double digit men left on base wont win you games. end of story.


    it was a bad call, but that doesnt negate all the bad plays they made themselves.


    regardless, theres no excuse for the atlanta fans behavior. that was an embarrassing display. chipper deserved better for his last game.

  3. any of you freaks and geeks voters like undeclared at all? i got the impression that one wasnt looked on too fondly but i watched both shows back to back earlier this summer (first time for both) and thought undeclared was a pretty decent semi spin off of freaks and geeks. might be an age thing (i watched it as my college time wound to a close, so there was more than a bit of sentimental attachment going on) that you older folks wouldnt appreciate as much though. freaks and geeks was way better in every way, but undeclared had the same kind of stories/characters/relationships worth giving a shit about, albeit less interesting. probably because of the time setting. the early 80s era, and all the pop culture stuff going on, really made freaks and geeks so good. undeclared didn't really have that going for it but i enjoyed the series quite a bit.


    anyway, my votes would be seinfeld, arrested development, fawlty towers and freaks and geeks. simpsons, louie and curb your enthusiasm for shows still on tv.

  4. I know you guys don't really mean what you are saying. How long till someone posts "I miss Jay F".


    This lineup is like an evolution.


    This band puts it all out for us to see......2.5-3 hour sets of changing setlists, 100+ dates per year, new records in reasonable times, Jeff solo tours, open taping, live shows SB for sale.

    It is an evolution in the grand wilco timeline, but since it's become the lineup it hasn't really evolved much. I'm not saying that it has to, or even should, just a recurring thought ive had after recent wilco shows. these shows kick ass and thats awesome, but it'd be neat to see the band in a slightly different configuration from time to time. even if its just nels/pat/mikael sitting out a song or two each night. the evening with tour was an amazing hint of how the lineup could evolve.

  5. id love to see a shakeup in wilco land. maybe even just a tour or two with a more stripped down lineup. something like jeff/john/glenn and one of the keyboard dudes? this lineup has really gelled in concert, but itd be cool to see them try something a little different. bring back the looseness of a smaller band.

  6. well its been a much smaller audience all along, but a lot of guys from the 80s/early 90s still draw a lot of attention with their new stuff. guys/bands like thurston moore/sonic youth, stephen malkmus, bob mould, dinosaur jr. id throw beck in there too. if he ever gets back to recording regular solo albums, there will be interest. none of them were ever dylan/neil big, but theyre guys who have already had a few decades of steady fan and media attention with few signs of stopping.


    then bands like pearl jam, metallica and the chili peppers still pack arenas after long careers, and that seems likely to continue.


    so its hard to say exactly who they'll be (and mccartney/dylan and co will still be held up in high esteem long after theyre gone) but i think there will certainly be "new" artists of that stature in their older age eventually

  7. Does anyone give a shit about the Armstrong story out this morning?


    I'm conflicted - I'm worried that his Livestrong foundation will suffer as a result. He's raised so much money for cancer research - it's a shame that the fundraising will suffer as a result of the sentence from the USADA.

    i dont see how this would happen. i think its generally accepted that doping was so prevalent in lance's peak that this doesnt really matter to the average follower. worst case scenario hes still a cancer survivor who took drugs to beat other guys who took drugs at an extremely tough race. i dont think donations will dry up because lance technically never won a thing now.


    plus, http://m.espn.go.com...yId=8301006


    personally i think the whole case is a waste of time and money. what are they gonna do, strip him of his wins and give them to the other dopers that finished behind him? if anything it was a level playing field and lance still came out on top. if they want to crack down, thats fine, but do it now and worry about the future.

  8. this was always one of my least favorite summerteeth tracks. its not bad by any means, but it doesnt do much for me.


    and jays version, like a lot of his solo songs, falls completely flat for me.

  9. yeah women's basketball is never not awful.


    women's soccer is great though. in many ways they play tougher than the men ever do. you'll rarely see players take a dive and plead for a foul call in a women's match. anyway, nice to see the us women take gold when the men cant even make the tournament.

  10. really mixed feelings on this.


    arrested development is a top 3 tv show for me, and i love it dearly, but reuniting a tv show, especially one so driven by season to season storylines, just feels like a bad idea. i'll be watching, and i'd love to be proven wrong, but i think it's a really tall order for hurwitz and co.

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