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Shakespeare In The Alley

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Posts posted by Shakespeare In The Alley

  1. oh no doubt glenn's a good looking dude. it's real close between him and pat, i just felt i had to reward pat's even more boyish cuteness. i feel bad putting john so low. he's got a certain charm that i imagine ladies find hard to resist.

  2. wilco hair ranking, 2012 edition:








    pat and glenn have great locks. they always do. definite champs right there. mikael has a good thing going with his hair lately. jeff looks good in a middle age greying way. john's is a bit too meh for my taste (though not bad either), and nels' recent hairstyle is just awful.

  3. i've listened through a few times. it's not blowing me away, but it's interesting. jay definitely saves his best tunes for son volt/solo stuff. i don't think you can compare this and mermaid. different beasts. i do like some of the production on this. also, listening to this, i think jay should start singing songs in a lower key. his voice kind of peters out when he sings tenor.

    but these aren't his tunes at all

  4. The opinion is that he's a better singer than his father with the lyrics being as good.

    i've never heard this opinion. wouldn't agree with it either.


    he's a talented dude though, and not just a second rate dylan kind of talented. his solo material's been solid, and bringing down the horse is full of great songs to hear on the radio.

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