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Shakespeare In The Alley

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Posts posted by Shakespeare In The Alley

  1. Saw the Foos/Social D/Joy in DC last Friday, and it was a kick ass show. Everything a massive arena rock show should be. The Foos played for about three hours, and Dave is such a great frontman. Him and his songs totally come alive in settings like that. It was a great time. There were plenty of deeper tracks I would have loved to hear, but you can't really argue with a 3 hour set of their hits.


    The Joy Formidable really impressed me, so don't skip them. That was a fantastic opening set. Better than Social D for me.


    Bob Mould was there too, but I don't know if that's a full tour thing.

  2. Certainly. I'm only dismissing it as lame if it is actually the TWL bonus disc, and that's only because I already own that. Since those songs aren't on vinyl yet, it's a pretty cool promotion for some people.


    If it's somehow a few tracks we don't already have, then that's awesome.



    I think I always say this when you post it, but what an album! I brought it back out this week when I found out she's got a new one coming early 2012 (there's a single out there, called Puts Me To Work. It would easily fit right on Me Oh My). Talented woman. She's opening for St. Vincent in the US right now, so hopefully she gets some new fans out of the deal.

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