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Shakespeare In The Alley

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Posts posted by Shakespeare In The Alley

  1. I don't think a band should ever plan setlists for the few people who catch 3/4 shows a tour. I'm sure that, when it comes to rarities, they consider what they played last time they were in town more than what they played last night in some other city. If the setlists are boring, don;t follow the band around the country. It's simple.

  2. So, it means my days of seeing multiple stops on a tour are done. Maybe a two nighter like the this past weekend, but no more hitting up 4 shows a tour.


    And it takes the excitement out of seeing a band when you already know what they are going to play.

    You could just not follow their every setlist online, you know?

  3. I think that, were I not a large Wilco fan, the only covers of theirs that I would legitimately call "good" are Yankee Hotel Foxtrot and perhaps Summerteeth.


    And maybe The Whole Love.


    But I am a large Wilco fan, so I like them all to some extent.

  4. Let's, uh, chalk it up to autocorrect and move on from this slight embarrassment of mine...


    Also, did they only make like two dozen of the posters? Both nights, the person right in front of me bought the last one. I get that sometimes these things become collectables (see also: solid sound posters made on site) but the competition is a bit irksome when all I want to do is get a poster and watch Wilco bring the house down.

    Friendly tip on the posters selling out:

    If you know the poster artist (Wilco's facebook page tends to say who designed them), keep an eye on their personal site. The artist almost always gets a few posters to sell on his own, and they'll usually be the same price as the shows, plus shipping.


    Wilco sometimes adds them to their online store, but not always. Check just in case, and if not, find the artist.

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