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Shakespeare In The Alley

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Posts posted by Shakespeare In The Alley

  1. paul's boutique is an absolute classic. it's my go to source when i need to argue about sampling as an artform. brilliant stuff. remains a top 5/10 record of all time for me. so many good memories, and so many bands/shows/pop culture quotes that i wouldnt know if not for that album.

  2. That list is an excellent example of why the term hipster is used as a dis.

    The only good thing I could find on it was the inclusion of Syd Barrett...which, unfortunately, also undercuts their whole premise, as Syd was recording as early as 1965.

    says more about your knowledge of guitar music than anything else, really. lots of great players on there.

  3. i dont think volume 3 is much to write about, personally. it seems obviously a bottom of the barrel thing, as well as something billy bragg wanted to put out more than wilco. jeff has some nice vocals, and it's not a bad collection of songs but it's far and away the worst batch of the three.

  4. agreed. you can tell that dulli views albums like movies by the spot on sequencing and "shot on location" references in the liner notes.


    gentlemen, black love and 1965 are their best, but congregation and up in it have plenty of fine tracks too.


    all in all these guys were among the best rock and roll bands of their time. sad to see them still underrated. being a rock and roll/soul band in grunge's heyday couldn't have helped. i like to think of the whigs as the best of the stones mixed with the best of prince. great band. im crossing my fingers for more us shows.

  5. two nights at wolf trap is pretty amazing, but i kinda wish it was a different opener each night, like the red rocks shows. but thats a petty complaint, because wolf trap is one of my favorite venues and i am a bit of a sonic youth fan. should be a good time.

  6. i would never have thought to use "grunge" to refer to them


    they're a very good band (slightly better live) but not yet a great one for me. it's really nice to see them breakout like they have, and i think they have more than enough potential to deliver a truly great album come lp2/3. boys and girls is a top notch debut, and hold on remains a hell of a jam.

  7. desire's my second favorite dylan album. (blonde on blonde is first, for what its worth.) it's one of the only dylan albums that doesnt really sound like any other dylan record. and it's got songs like isis, sara, durango (i love that one's opening line. so vivid) and black diamond bay. then the rest isnt shabby either.


    definitely underrated.

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