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tinnitus photography

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Posts posted by tinnitus photography

  1. We can probably do both.


    If they're dipping into Joe Perry's solo catalog, that seems like an admission they're sick of their own songs and they think their audience is, too.  Or that Joe Perry is throwing his weight around, which is sure to piss off Steve Tyler.


    I see them imploding in the near future.

    we all would have been better off had they pulled a Skynyrd in 1978 or so.

  2. Glad we finally got to meet in person, Tim! Thanks for flagging me down. And yeah, I thought it was an excellent YLT set given they only had 75 minutes and were playing for a festival crowd.

    likewise paul, great to put a face to the person who is relentless with the excellent show recaps! YLT nailed it... they totally grooved on my favorite period of their discography.

  3. And in case anyone cares, here was the complete set played by Yo La Tengo that preceded Wilco's performance:


    Tom Courtenay

    Green Arrow

    From A Motel 6>

    Mr. Tough


    Big Day Coming (acoustic)

    I'll Be Around

    For You Too

    Autumn Sweater

    Drug Test

    Double Dare

    Little Honda [The Hondells]


    Griselda [Holy Modal Rounders}


    Fantastic set list from YLT and I was especially psyched to hear "Drug Test"

  4. I was at that Zak Wylde show at a Great Woods and I was pissed. Dickey had gotten arrested or something after the previous show in Albany. They should have cancelled the Great Woods show. Zak was so out of place, with his bullseye guitar and strange prancing heavy metal act. I felt so ripped off I boycotted the band for several years.


    Zakk is a goon. i hate his playing style. 

  5. I have been seeing many of the members of the Joshua's band for close to 20 years - it was nice to see them perform at Thalia. I can definitely see why it was not everyone's cup of tea, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. Takes guts to play one tune or motif for 40 minutes or so, esp. in front of an audience that is not necessarily there to see you. My buddy was kinda waiting for it to end, too - though. 


    The people around me started to rumble a bit after a awhile, but I have definitely seen more noisy crowds for an opening band. Hell, last month when I saw the Indigo Girls at Thalia, that crowd was extremely rude during the opener, so much that the performer had to stop playing and say something. All around, Sleep's crowd was great and enjoyable. 


    As far as Sleep - they were great, too -- it was a first for me, seeing a band like this. I thought all my insides were going to shake out of me, when the bass hit. Man...


    Really enjoyed the drummer, too. The mix did not favor the guitar, too much - often it was a bit buried, but perhaps that was the goal. 


    I also enjoyed the whole rocket shtick prior to Sleep taking the stage. The dude in the white shirt and tie was a nice touch, as well as the two roadies in jump suits.


    Totally glad I went - but I don't think I following the doom metal power scene anytime soon. 

    awesome to see the impressions of a first-timer, glad you dug it!!


    for the NYE show, the Marijuanaut made an appearance at midnight (bass tech Dave French was in the suit), right as weed became legal in Illinois and as the band kicked into "Dopesmoker"


    pretty bummed i missed that one.


  6. so i forgot to re-check this thread but we managed ok... hit the Art Institute but too late to see the Warhol exhibit, went to the Pritzker WWII museum (more like a library but the DDay photo exhibit was cool), was gonna hit the Columbia College free contemporary photography exhibit but it was closed for the holidays, and also checked out the Chicao Cultural Center. went to Kuma's w/ friends on Friday, and hit Marz brewing before the gig. 


    had a great time!

  7. tmrw i am flying out to Chicago w/ my two older sons (18 and 20) for Sunday's Sleep show at Thalia Hall, but aside from a burger at Kuma's Corner and a visit to the Art Institute we don't have anything planned. hit me up w/ some things to do/see in the cold, dreary (well, kinda warm and rainy) chicago winter.

  8. I did.  I've seen them before but I'm not super-knowledgable about them.  They rocked.  Big riffs.  

    they are always a great band to see live. been friends w/ Wayne and Kate for a good amount of time now, after they moved from CT to MA and opened the Twisted Village store that's now the location of Armageddon. 

  9. The second two on here are two of my faves so I'm going to check out Songs: Ohia.


    I don't have a whole list but I think my favorite album of the year is I'm You by Hallelujah the Hills.  I saw them the other night and they played everything from the album and it was really great.  

    i should have gone to that show.


    did you catch Major Stars?

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