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Everything posted by Analogman

  1. Of course, these days you can find this "rock trivia" stuff online. I learned it from reading thousands of rock magazines and books. Some people care about this sort of thing, some don't. I like to have conversations with those who do. As you say - there is always something to learn. I like that also. The agent art of weaving things no one else gives a shit about.
  2. I still have not seen the movie.
  3. Not a band I listen to, but yes, I think they should be in there. For one thing, there is the longevity issue, number two, they have their own sound and style going on.
  4. The serial killer guy who they come to see in prison about passwords or whatever it was?
  5. One of the reasons Desire sounds the way it does is due to the fact it was pretty much done in one night. Emmy Lou Harris did not even know what was going on.
  6. Will Lost's Time Travel Ever Make Sense?
  7. Oh really. I saw some interview with her where she said she was doing this all herself, and was not taking any "hand-outs". Maybe I missed the context of what she was talking about.
  8. I generally prefer acoustic Dylan. But - Desire is probably the album I listen to the most.
  9. Over the last few months, I have been able to get my hands on several Led Zeppelin soundboard shows and a unreleased live multi-track recording by way of so-called super fans. Another thing that is happening more and more now - a rise in bootleg blogs. There is one I look at that has a lot of Bruce stuff on it - live and studio. I think B&P and/or Vines are pretty much dead. On another board I am on, vines were banned - as the people who run the board got tired of dealing with complaints about those who did follow through.
  10. I never messed such things then - but I recall seeing those sort of things for sale in a store down the street here - for 50 bucks a pop. One thing BT has done - helped stop that nonsense. Although, you can still go to bootleg stores Japan, or find places online that will gladly take hundreds of dollars from you for silver cd bootlegs. What's funny now is that these people are getting their source tracks for the bootlegs they sell from BT sites.
  11. This is on the Yahoo front page this morning.
  12. What's he say in Rattle and Hum? "I'm no good with chords." OR something like that.
  13. I was thinking about that also.
  14. Yes he did. And he played on many of their songs - along with Neil Young, Dewey Martin, etc. It has more than you would want to know - depending on how much you like or hate The Monkees. I like many of their songs - always have. Another piece of trivia for you - in terms of numbers, they had some of the biggest selling albums of the 1960s.
  15. The Monkees: The Day-By-Day Story of the 60s TV Pop Sensation Andrew Sandoval This is great book for those who want to know details. It's like The Complete Beatles book.
  16. So - Hey There, Mrs. Lovely is actually These Girls?
  17. Can You Please Crawl Out Your Window (Youtube link) Hendrix did that song also. I've never cared for it.
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