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Everything posted by Analogman

  1. I am used to larger than life rock stars - that is rock and roll to me - swagger, ego, sexual energy, etc. It was not until I got into country/alt. country that I ever viewed musicians as so-called normal down to earth people. OF course - sometimes we think bands are a certain way - "for the people" - and it is later revealed that they are money and power mad just like whatever band they just put down in an interview last week. Case in Point: Nirvana. I don't see Ryan as being the way people here are describing him - he seems down to earth to me.
  2. Most people I know - only listen to whatever the current hit of the week is - and I doubt they ever think about the quailty of the Mp3 they got via Walmart or iTunes. I once tried to explain to someone I know the difference bewteen WAV/FLAC/Mp3 files and what the deal was with Mp3 bit rates - and they looked at me like I was making the shit up.
  3. I sometimes snag stuff - mainly new stuff such as the new REM album - that way I don't blow money on something I won't listen to again. I buy cds though - there was a time I use to buy a cd almost everyday - but I have not done that for a long time now. I like to go to record stores and look around - and those days are pretty much gone - where I live anyhow. I'd say within the next 10 years or less, cds will go the way of the record album.
  4. I was looking at another board the other day - and I saw a thread were a bunch of people got banned for posting links to songs. --Mike
  5. Why we are it - someone should teach all those people who constantly ask for commercially available Wilco tracks how to do Bit Torrent and/or Mp3 blog searching - so they can steal the songs themselves.
  6. The Wilco Live Show Archive is not illegal - Wilco is ok with people taping and sharing live shows.
  7. I saw him - (last spring I think it was) and it was just fine. I suppose I would get upset too if I paid money to see him and he walked off - or whatever. What's that old saying? Most people that have talent are not right in some way - or something along those lines. I don't really listen to very much new music these days - and he is one of the few people still making new music that I listen to - so maybe that factors in here somewhere.
  8. Well, I disagree. But - do I want to waste more time discussing the merits of Ryan, or lack there of? It is sort of pointless.
  9. Well, Whiskeytown was a band that Ryan was in, The Cardinals are people he hired to play behind him. He may say that he is just one of the band members - but I figure he runs the show. That is the way I see it. Although - Whiskeytown became that too - at some point. Personally, I liked hearing Ryan sing with Caitlin - that is one of the things that got me into his music. Yet another thread where people go on about how they dislike Ryan Adams - I look at the Ryan board quite a bit and I have not noticed one thread dissing Wilco - interesting.
  10. Wilcobase link db.etree link
  11. Oh, I don't want credit - I was just agreeing with the starter of this thread. I look at his blog everyday - he was deleting things - I think he has stopped doing that now. I was more happy to see that he put up a new song the other night. He was allowing people to comment - but he has turned off that function now.
  12. Yes, you have to use four or more. Try using a phrase from the song.
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