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Everything posted by Analogman

  1. David Fricke is like Kurt Loader at MTV - the oldest dude there most likely. I don't see what people don't like about this guy.
  2. http://www.archive.org/details/mmj2006-06-01.dpa4023.shnf http://www.archive.org/details/mmj2006-06-01.dpa4023.flac24 Noble effort - but I just don't think the feeling is there.
  3. I think I have 15 or 16 on there. I am thinking of delelting my account actually - I seldom find what I want on there. I would like to make it to 1 TB though - just for kicks.
  4. Oh - well that is what everyone tries to do. I upload my own stuff - I don't even bother seeding something I snagged. I have now put up over 200 torrents. I use to run torrents every day and night - but I am not doing that anymore. Due to the rule changes, stuff stays up longer now - so I have about 60 torrents I have uploaded up there now. I am running out of hard drive space and I also wonder if I am not putting a hurting on my computer/router by all this activity. If you get back on, dig around in the request section. I see something almost everyday that I could put up there. Also - stick t
  5. Could be your ISP put the lock on your BT attempts. My understanding is that you can not get a second invite once you have been banned - Try it on some other BT sites and see what that does.
  6. Party of Five? Was that one of those crappy Fox shows?
  7. There are most certianly spirits at play where I work - I should get those Ghost Hunter dudes to check it out.
  8. That's what I think - or something like that. I think they get their information from someone/somewhere outside the island.
  9. I think this epsiode was low key - but full of interesting things. I also noticed that some of the others are dressed up - while the rest have on more causal wear. So why has Ben lived there all his life? Why were Sawyer and Kate doing that work if certain members of The Others were already doing it? What are they going to do with the area they are clearing? And what is the deal with The Others knowing about the other folks lives? We knew there was an outside connection - because of the food drops - is this how Ben knows what is going on (tapes of the World Series), or does he himse
  10. I have the Gram Parson one (bought it because Whiskeytown/Wilco is on it) and The Nebraska one (bought it because Jay Farrar is on it. Other than that, I have no desire to buy such things.
  11. I'm not watching any new shows - just sticking to Lost, The Office, My Name Is Earl, ER, and The Venture Brothers + whatever episodes of chopper/car/gene simmons reality shows I may catch.
  12. I think we shall see a bunch of shows like LOST now - there is also The Nine, and one about some dude who lives the same day over again.
  13. you never what you will find in an old school house
  14. There seems some sort of division there - you had that one kid locked up in the cage and then that girl hiding in the bushes. It seemed to me that they were scared - while the other others seem to be running the show. I wonder where all the rest are? The black woman, the french woman's daughter, etc. I too, am looking forward to next week. I want to see if everything was as before - did Desmond's key reset everything - or will the hatch be wrecked?
  15. Seems like there is two groups there - people who rule and those who do not.
  16. I don't know much about that stuff outside of some Harlem Renaissance writers.
  17. Didn't Axl Rose use to work at one of the Tower Records in LA?
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