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Everything posted by augurus

  1. Colin Stetson - New History Warfare Vol. 2: Judges OH EM GEE WHAT IS THIS I DON'T EVEN... Psst... it's really awesome.
  2. As I listen to Cold Cave's Cherish The Light Years more often, I've discovered that they sound more like a melodic Crystal Castles meets New Order. The Great Pan Is Dead is pretty amazing and makes me think that metal should carefully read pages 1 to the references page: that entire beautiful song reminds me of metal, NIN, and A Place To Bury Strangers. I liked it: now, it's slowly ascending my list.
  3. Anyone know when the physical copies come out in the US? All I find is faulty or unreliable information.
  4. Cold Cave - Cherish The Light Years
  5. Charlotte Gainsourg - IRM Man Man - Six Demon Bag
  6. It's raining right now, so I suppose you know which verse I'm singing right now. Otherwise, that's it, sir. You're leaving!
  7. Wilco's next album will infuse ragtime with the spoken-word jazz of Gil Scott-Heron along with shoegaze. Travesty or tragedy? Nonesuch won't be the judge.
  8. Can't believe it took me so long to get around to this.
  9. Cool discography. I assume you're awaiting their newest efforts.
  10. I still haven't heard Era Vulgaris, and I'll get to that shortly, but in the meantime... Songs For The Deaf >= Rated R > Queens Of The Stone Age > Lullabies To Paralyze I'm always hesitant to buy QOTSA albums because there's so many special editions that it just makes me sad.
  11. All my friends keep telling me that Michigan is the new Wisconsin. http://colorlines.com/archives/2011/03/what_now_the_next_stage_in_the_public_sector_unions_fight.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUpO1QFMDtM I think it may be time to accept that. I suppose I should still care about the people that voted for Rick Snyder. Maybe if they learned how to read,...
  12. I was listening to that as well as the new Wrens song, As I've Known.
  13. Whoooooooooooooo? /sarcasm To bring additional pain to that experience, everyone enjoyed the entire segregation of moshers and non-moshers. Nobody seemed disgusted at all that the duo were barely performing: they're just hosting a keg party at some dude's house.
  14. I like them, but I'm wary of their future after I saw them perform live. There's a hidden guitarist in the background and the backing vocals are huge. You can barely hear Alexis sing on her own.
  15. This record does not receive the recognition it deserves.
  16. Queens Of The Stone Age - Queens Of The Stone Age [Re-released]
  17. The xx - xx Someone please inform me why people from New Jersey like Springsteen, Yo La Tengo, and The Wrens sing about frustrations and failures often.
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