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roadhse ma

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Posts posted by roadhse ma

  1. I'm curious what others in the balcony thought of the Star Wars reception. It was polite, but it didn't seem like many knew it. There was no movement to stand (if random name generator isn't a song to stand for, I don't know what is), and you satellite seemed to lose the attention of some.

    I agree that it has a typical new or recently new group of songs reception. A band that's twenty years now has some core they have to do (generally that is). Kudos for them continuing to take chances and at the peril of loosing their connection to the Old Crowd .. They bring fresh and interesting. I actually think it was received by Boston just a bit more livelier than Portland.

    I hand no doubt I will here SW again tonight and I will both enjoy it and show appreciation.

    So Glad they are Back in Boston!!

  2. quoted for fucking truth.

    i'm not a big guy, but those things are torture devices. i can't imagine a 6'3" person having to sit for 2 hours in one of those things.

    6'2" here and I will be folding myself into lowers at the Orpheum this weekend for SW set .. Although I know it will be sort of a stand up sit down portion till they hit the homestretch .. Well Worth It ... Looking forward to seeing family and familiar faces there !
  3. You were not alone in making the trek from Boston.

    What a great building*and I liked the downtown area.

    * if they ever restored the Orpheum this it how it would be.

    As indicated above the show was tremendous. The GA had its usual pluses and minuses. The song selection in the second half along with the f a s t pace of SW made for a compact and full night.

    Glad I drove 2 hrs.

    Kudos to the Bamd covering Wilco at the Empire post show.

    See you good people at the Orpheum.

  4. Do you think this is a Wilco thing? Or a venue thing?


    Tonight is GA, so there is no stopping us from standing up.

    Just got off the phone w/ venue

    FYI you don't have to print out ticket

    Stay green oh yeah Dance & sing ( at the appropriate places

  5. I am now going Saturday..

    So I am unloading this pr to first qualified responder.

    Location : Orch Sides Row KK seats 5,7

    Full disclosure ; tickets indicate partial view/ check out map and make a move, or not.

    I will sell below FV 50.00 each

  6. Many fans of Wilco I have learned over the last decade are fans of Springsteen for good reasons. Principally for me is they both have a chief common element ; Integrity.

    It's fate that they both opened their worldwide tours in PITT.

    Good luck on your quest if your seeing Wilco or Bruce in Boston lmk

  7. In the 70s the #1 song from a Euro Band,perhaps even played more than Money by Floyd on WBCN in Boston, was Space Oddity. It formed a foundation of listening to Bowie from my very early Teen Years.


    In poking around this morning I recalled that Fame was co - written by John Lennon and Bowies Guitarist.


    Additionally I uncovered a nice story from of all people Ricky Gervais about Bowie from years ago..


    Rest in Peace Rock God

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