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Everything posted by deepseacatfish

  1. Obviously you haven't met me yet. I'd strip for stamps, money, fender jazzmasters, hell pretty much anything of value.
  2. This place is partying like it's 1898 BC
  3. You sure they weren't the results he wanted?
  4. Sonic Youth to play show in some dude's room in the middle of Iowa
  5. Yeah, that and he's too busy starting threads as FatTonny_x
  6. Or everybody just went to bed. One time I spent a day digging a 6 ft. deep trench to lay water pipes at a habitat for humanity site. Pretty hard work. Then a bunch of guys from a drug treatment program came in and totally showed up my weak shoveling skills.
  7. And...uh...hypothetically what happens when one violates this I mean hypothetically I wouldn't want to have to go out and buy a shovel if I hypothetically wasn't going to get in very much trouble...
  8. I'd say Ms Yvon and Fickerson showing up in the late night RTT crowd are cause enough for party...even if said party is a deadline party.
  9. I think you're supposed to go with pics in these situations, just a thought.
  10. I did one time, and really, I just ended up feeling left out and kind of guilty like.
  11. Well if it's not due until tomorrow, you'll still have plenty of time to be writing it...um...tomorrow That smiley kicks ass, I think it's either constipated, in mid-orgasm, or laughing so hard it's about to cry. I should be writing more on my comp. project, I need to get most of it done by Thursday so I can go in and have the prof look at it before I finish it up and turn it in Friday. But for now, I'm just not feeling like putting in the time.
  12. That's the poor/starving college student spirit
  13. Yeah, I remember seeing that, hilarious. I think his differences was "Under Pressure" is dun dun dun dun da-na-dun dun and his was dun dun dun dun da-na dun chick
  14. Glad to see the RTT is finally getting some morals!
  15. Yeah sampling is tricky (no pun intended), but I think a fair fee would work out well. There's a clear difference between sampling and ripping off a riff. Nobody sues John Williams over quoting classical composers in his film scores, and sampling really is more along those lines than simply appropriating someone else's music to make money for yourself. Really, if someone asked me to use something I wrote/created as a sample in a piece I would be flattered, not worried about loss of revenue. Now completely ripping off a song is another thing (aka, Vanilla Ice and the whole Under Pressure t
  16. Yeah, if you're looking for anything in depth beyond the music this doesn't really have it. I skipped through most of it, but I have most of the songs anyway.
  17. Fuck yeah, my afternoon class was cancelled for today. Things may be looking up
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