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Everything posted by winterland121072

  1. Another great article from Glenn Greenwald ringing the alarm about the shift of the Democrat party to the right... "All of this has resulted in a new generation of Democrats, politically engaged for the first time as a result of fears over Trump, being inculcated with values of militarism and imperialism, trained to view once-discredited, war-loving neocons such as Bill Kristol, Max Boot and David Frum and former CIA and FBI leaders as noble experts and trusted voices of conscience. It’s inevitable that all of these trends would produce a party that is increasingly pro-war and militaristic,
  2. Meanwhile...Tulsi Gabbard announced last night. A real progressive... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-8Glsx_BT4 https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/11/us/politics/tulsi-gabbard-2020-president-announcement.html
  3. that cowboys injury was nuts...I looked up and saw him lying on stomach with foot facing upwards...wow...it's kind of like touching your left elbow with your left hand... there are just some things you are not supposed to be able to do...
  4. Hey man - if you get confused just listen to the music play, but always remember that the grass ain't greener, the wine ain't sweeter, either side of hill...But, it is also important to not shake the tree if the fruit ain't ripe...especially if you are hauling red hot items for mob - best to try to be copacetic... and if all that fails, there is only one equation you need to know which is "F=ma" and there is only one word you need to know if "ripple." But what do i know...i mean even the purest of romantics compromise...
  5. I may be in the minority here, but I think 1978 was one of the band's worst years. Keith was a mess and Donna not much better. Keith was either mimicking or basically playing percussion with his keys...
  6. I just remember that Jerry in 88 / 89 was like seeing a reborn individual / band. They seemed excited and confident with high self esteem. Brent died and things changed. Jerry started heroin again in 1989 before brent died so it is not fair to blame Vince for the initial demise. But, i remember seeing them in 92 / 93 and everyone I saw shows with just seemed to “know”. We all loved it but we all knew it was or was near then end… It was like hearing that your friend / brother / father was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. We just knew...And on top of that knowledge were the feared looks o
  7. Nope....my first show was in 1988...Alpine....Saw them until 1993....Became too difficult to see Jerry / Vince...And other bands (Trey) was really worth seeing more than Vince. I generally feel that Vince was the gravedigger for Jerry and the Grateful Dead. Musically, I don't think he was that interesting or impressive but really made it difficult was how joined Jerry in heroin. Jerry brought himself to it. But Vince joined him. Oh to ponder about how Jerry could have aged into his 60s switching to only acoustic shows....
  8. Well...I sure wish I could have attended the entire February March 1973 tour...
  9. 2.10.1989 rarely gets mentioned in best of 89 lists...I think it is right up there. The 7.7.1989 lovelight was cool because the song formally ended, and then weir started singing "shine on me" again thus restarting the song for another 3 minutes. My favorite 89 Dark Star is the 10.16 version.
  10. Rapidly starting to think that 07 July 1989 is the best show of 1989...
  11. The only problem I have with 1980s 2nd set LLRs is that it is usually correlated with a Women Smarter...
  12. 05 05 1973 has a pretty darn great "Here There Everywhere" Beatles cover that flows into a massive jam into Last Train To Jacksonville into After Midnight...
  13. Etree.org is going through some turmoil it would appear. Here is the message shown for the site: Unfortunately, long time etree.org volunteer, Tom H Anderson, has leftetree.org and has asked that this site be removed.He claims under penalty of perjury in a United States court of lawthat he is the owner of "all code and database for the site."This is something etree.org disagrees with. We hope to returndb.etree.org VERY soon. We apologize for this inconvenience. "What we're thinking about is a peaceful planet. We're not thinkingabout anything else. We're not thinking about any kind of power. We
  14. In case anyone was wondering, Zeppelin I is a fantastic album.
  15. Deadset is an interesting release. I really like it. But, looking at that whole tour through warf saenger and radio city, there were markedly better performances...
  16. I was listening to 19 April 1982...23 minute version. Jerry flavorings are really impressive... https://archive.org/details/gd82-04-19.aud-martin.warner.19420.sbeok.shnf
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