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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. Looks like he's about to drop the Orkan handshake on somebody. Na-noo, fool, Na-noo! Cute kid, Bri.
  2. Can't be the same thing...they were teenagers when that video came out and that was 1990-ish. Where'd you find that, G? Alexvanderpoolera = Alex Vanderpool was some dude on some soap opera that had kind of a nerdy style w/ bowites and sweater vests that they fashioned their look from. The second album was supposedly going to be titled that as well. Bonus points to anybody who can tell me who the large black fellow was w/ Boyz in the Family album? I seriously don't know, but I like to imagine that he was the black version of Colonel Tom Parker or the manager of the Four Horsemen, James J.
  3. ALEXVANDERPOOLERA! I must have watched that video 900 times in college bewteen tecmo bowl and bong hits. The Sudden Impact thing fascinated me back then and still does to this day. Seriously, there is nothing out there.
  4. I'm seriously thinking about making that picture my desktop image at work. Also, 'stay tuned for the Alexvanderpoollera!'
  5. I thought if anybody would get that it'd be her. No diggity, no doubt. and, yes, I think so too.
  6. (too good of a find to use only once) My fellow East Coast Family Members w/ Poppa Bear Bivens.
  7. and I dare you to find any existence that they even existed aside from that video.
  8. sweet jesus. if those kids were any cuter they'd be robots.
  9. Ahhhhh, but there was one more group in that East Coast Family album shown in the video but not mentioned in the song...
  10. I completely understand. You're dead on that he is both single and, more often than not, an idiot. I wasn't defending him per say, just trying to qualify that he was indeed likely 'taking the piss' and clear a little air. ction and wookies
  11. My Mom and the maid my roomate and I hired to clean our apartment back in the early 80's.
  12. Dude, seriously, you just described any given Saturday for me around that time. THE WE GOT IT MAID CHICK!!!
  13. i somehow parlayed that oran juice jones video into Grace Jones doing that freaky striptease from the movie 'Vamp' where she's in full bodypaint done by keith harring.
  14. we used to frequent the orange julius stand in the eastland mall back in the day and then it closed somewhere around 1983-84. i haven't had one since.
  15. 'You without me is like Cornflakes without tha milk!'
  16. not that it'll probably help...but I can venture a guess you may have taken him wayyyyy to literally. jeff (imdwithoutanytactwhatsoever) is usually completely inappropriate, but i'm pretty sure he wasn't trying to insult you or your wife in any way, shape or form.
  17. pee, how'd amy smart look in that flick? just curious.
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