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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. I had an intitial falling out w/ U2 when Achtung first came out and by the time I realized the error of my ways...this tour had already passed me by. So, even though i'm not supposed to be, i'm pretty psyched. I didn't want to buy the VHS and then, as it is now, have it come out on DVD.
  2. okay, so I shouldn't be excited about this then?
  3. Black is black. and back, all in we're gonna' win (turn it up) here we go again.
  4. On September 19, i'll be watching this... Out on DVD for the first time w/ a bonus disc full of stuff. I'm extremely excited about this, i've been waiting for a DVD version of this forever.
  5. You are the Dr. J of Uncles. I'm humbled by your mad skills and dissapointed you aren't black. I'd also like to say that, while I still think he's gone off the deep end, I was indeed egging on the guy from WV who's name i'm not supposed to invoke in any of my posts and will stop.
  6. I'll pay you $1.36 to quit. I'll even throw in a half eaten hot dog.
  7. You owned a copy of Bruno Was Here, didn't you.
  8. great, now ron cey has quit the board. first sean and now this. the humanity.
  9. Yes, that's exactly what happens. I've said before I have no real problem w/ you and you used to be cool to kid around with...I don't know what happened, but you obviously seem to have come unglued. So, i'll go clean up and leave you alone.
  10. suomaf le yec nor noitc 'lrigwoc' ta ynnuf skool ohw ydobyna
  11. can we just use your avatar instead of actually typing it out? I'm going to whoop it up like at the yearly black t-shirt and mustache wax sale at the vegetable stand and knife store.
  12. well, I did call Sir Stewart a 'chinaman' the other day and threaten to slap him in the figure-four leglock. what happens to people who cross A-man on this board? I post some pretty damn good fucking crap all day long...quality doo-doo butter and i'm insulted to hear otherwise. i'm contemplating hitting the report button.
  13. You threaten to post that every time. A-man, nice work in here. Wow.
  14. Well done. No way I will be doing that, but well done.
  15. How do you watch anything from netflix w/out a TV?! PC?
  16. i'm a little bit worried about the whole irwin fan revenge on manta ray thing. what happens if those bad boys can actually fly in the air too, but have just trying to live a peaceful existence ruling the deep?! we could have a war on our hands and whatdisay's buddy JUST got back from iraq.
  17. can the motherfucker play a spot on riff-for-riff cover of eruption off of Van Halen I? if not, this guy is a hack and should be sent to down to the grade school circuit to teach tuba to fat kids. let me know if you need to me submit a letter of reccomendation that he have his license revoked w/ quickness. i think i know a guy who sold your dean some hasish 10 years ago and could make some things happen.
  18. I remember thinking the V Suicides was kind of cool, but I didn't read the book and recollect it may have been from more of an aestethic standpoint relative to how it was filmed. and i'm going have towatch Lost in Translation again this week...it's been a while.
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