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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. I've seen that at the book store for a while and never bought it, as I have 10 gazillion other books at home i should read first. That said, how is it?
  2. Need guidance on your shoulder? "Oh my god, three black guys, you better hit them with their vernacular. Tell him to give you a hug if he's into getting rubbed. Tell him its his birthday then tell him you dont give a fuck that its his birthday."
  3. Are you fucking kidding me? I was just at the book store over lunch and bought a copy of URB magazine instead. I had no idea that came out today.
  4. The correct answer would have been: 'So you guys have never seen a girl naked then, huh? Awesome. Thanks for weighing in.'
  5. dude, I have my Dez Dickerson Kamikaze Headband
  6. Dude, put this on right away... 'SOMEBODY SAY KOOL AID!' Sir Stewart 'Whatchoo Talkin' Bout' Wallace, knows what time it is.
  7. If she isn't already, I think that debbie allen should do a motivational speaking tour where she uses that cane and the leg warmers and everything. She could change the world.
  8. Go, eat, a, few, hundered, zingers, and, leave, me, alone, Wilford, Brimley, Junior.
  9. All I know, is that Pepe LePew got a lot of pussy.
  10. Motorola. My point was, that we were having to reduce price on product sold to our customers to stay competitive and, in some cases, actually losing money on some of them. Our Asian competitors were able to do it for far less and we need to adjust to stay afloat. Coupled w/ tightening of budgets for everything from travel to office space, it worked and I still have a job because of it. Plus, our yearly raises have been tepid, but we've received very healthy bonuses the past two years based on the companies performance. Should I be making more than I do relative to the output of work? Probab
  11. What Pee said. I wasn't a fan per say, but you can't beat his enthusiasm for what he did and prayers go out to his wife and children.
  12. It makes absolute sense. Our margins have gone to shit quite frankly, a lot in part to asian manufacturers offering our customers product for a lot less cost.
  13. My last post was typed w/ baby in my arms...sorry for being disjointed. Look, I don't think it's lazy to complain per say or want some sort of reform...I was being a touch sarcastic w/ the executive comment...but I do think working your ass off and staying postive is a legitimate answer to the question of 'what can we do?' It's part of the answer at least and I don't find a lot of people offering that up as part of the solution at least. That CEO does that because he wants to and does it when he has to...he wants the company to succeed and thank god for that. He has a hard work ethic, but
  14. How many people died during the great depression? Of course things are out of whack, when aren't they? To act like there no options however and we're at some sort of end-days is just being defeatist. I'm sorry. As far as outsourcing goes, if we didn't start manufacturing some things abroad...we'd be out of business due to our asian competitors undercutting us on costs. 0
  15. You're right, I didn't bring it up and I don't see how anything I posted was out of context. That said, i'll kindly bow out of this thread and leave it alone.
  16. I know you're being kind of sarcastic and lord knows i'd love a bigger piece of the pie. I learned a long time ago to make my own pie vs. wait for someone to give me some though. Plus, CEO's do make an asinine amount of $...but ask yourself if you are under anwyhere near the amount of pressure they are. They aren't all bad people, plus i'll bet it's ten times easier for me to outlast ours should the business hit a rough spot. Tons of pressure there...ours has a cot in his office and is known to sleep there during busy times. Works his ass off. What was for?
  17. but he's doing that to make $ while working towards something else. that's a choice.
  18. Work your way up to a top-level executive position or invest heavily?
  19. Any flick featuring Kurt Russell is pretty much a gurantee for at least three stars, but this movie was pretty entertaining over and above that. The in-sequence shooting, elaborate non-CGI sets and actors doing most of their own stunts made for a fun time. Good renter.
  20. Big time. My brother loaned me a copy of that a while back. Good stuff.
  21. I'll see what I can do, but there are 3-4 mix ideas in front of that one.Plus, as much as I love him, a little Biz goes a long way. Trust me.
  22. I figured you haven't, just had to say it anyhow. My feeling is that the real estate market has hit a wall or will hit one soon. Just a feeling, but houses aren't flying off the market like they used to and sellers are realizing they have to be more realistic. Bottom line, when shit is rough like it is right now, the only answer is to work harder and things will pop.
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