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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. My brother-in-law and his brother will be competing in the highland games at that thing. My two nephews are wearing the same kilts as their Dad! So, if you happen to see a Dan or Kevin Carpenter throwing a huge bail of hay over uprights w/ a pitchfork or trying to flip a giant telephone pole...cheer them on.
  2. I have some experience in teaching children about baseball woes myself...
  3. I wouldn't suggest the anti-depressents...they made me feel loopy as all hell, way worse than when I smoked. I took them for 3 days before I chucked them. Awful stuff. I went cold-turkey for almost 2-3 months, but recently started again. I'm going to go at it again very soon. I've just come to grasp w/ that it will take me a few tries. I am down to only having 2-3 in a day, so I know I can do it. Good luck!
  4. I hope it's good, but i'm worried it's going to be a little too 'shiney' for me...not gritty enough.
  5. I expect there a few folks w/ Bubba Sparxx albums that would disagree.
  6. 'most of you.' so who has the ugly babies? wait, let me guess...
  7. I was on the cusp of graduating high school...if my generation is defined by a Cameron Crowe movie during my college years, it'd probably be more like: lord knows that soundtrack pretty much defined what we heard coming out of stereos...or boomboxes held aloft above one's head, should they have been inclined to do so.
  8. I believe the correct answer would be pretty much next to nothing. All of a sudden, I really want to hug my kids.
  9. I'm going to lobby for that pic being added to the smilie list, so I can just pop it in whenever appropriate.
  10. right on. it's comprised of : + yay...so when I posted that, I meant 'yay for the movie back to school and the hot buttered chickee j. fickerson for posting it as it made me smile.'
  11. don't think so, as there is a defined protocol and series of paperwork/etc. involved by both the teacher's union and school board before the actual strike occurs. i'm not aware if the use of the word 'penis' in any picketing is considered okay or not. she already works half days and taking care of our twins pretty much takes up a lot of her time.
  12. 'Garden State' amazing? absolutely not. entertaining enough? I thought so. also, I like to think my generation was defined by Breakin' II: Electric Boogaloo, but wouldn't argue if someone stated it should be Robocop instead.
  13. It looks as if my wife and all of her fellow teachers in the school district in which they work are going to go on strike. Awesome.
  14. we watched the reality show on MTV based around his recent comeback...it was like a trainwreck, we couldn't turn away. also, it made realize that if I ever doubt my fathering skillz...that dumbass is out there making me look like Father-of-the-Year. his album, surprisingly, is more on the power-pop tip than boy-bandish stuff. still bad, but I give him a little credit for trying something different.
  15. your Dad is obviously off his rocker.
  16. Noted. I guess I meant more in a producer/director capacity and I did like the Fly Girls on In Living color.
  17. or die in a freak logging accident. Seriously, the only film attached to the wayans name that wasn't horrible was 'I'm Gonna' Get You Sucka'...a total classic.
  18. Exactly. I think Sir S may be right w/ Gerald Levert. STOP THE PRESSES!!! The East Coast Family was obviously much larger than I ever knew... and even better, it seems that this video helped me answer the whereabouts of Sudden Impact. They changed their name to Wyte Guyz and their appearance on the above jam from the East Coast Family compilation may be their only known recorded work. Damn. All those artists must have been on BET only, ABC and MC Brains were the only ones I recognized.
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