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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. I have toyed w/ the idea of changing my screname to Captain Montery Jack. I really need tofind that book they put out, 'State by State w/ The State'...we read that thing aloud on a roadtrip a long time ago and laughed our asses off.
  2. The classic rock station out of Peoria I listened to in High School would 'GET THE LED OUT!' every Wednesday night at 10PM. Boy oh boy, I turned it up and ripped the knobs off.
  3. yeah, the acid wash jeans and black hoodie that (shocker) looks to have something about jamaica on it is red hot.
  4. also, for the record, that sodomite thing was from that youtube thing as well. personally, big sodomy fan...keep on trucking.
  5. even better than the bong is the electronic drumpads and ninja weapons hanging on the wall. $10 whoever owns that apartment has at least one time referred to it as their 'dojo' and then fell asleep halfway through a bag of funyons.
  7. should be a sliding scale based on cup size.
  8. Dear Artist Formerly Known as Sir Stewart Wallace, I've just rediscovered the jam 'Peer Pressure' from De La's 'AOI: Bionix' w/ Dilla (RIP) and B-Real. A hip hop weed song presenting both sides of the coin, pro and con. It's pretty cool. Ya' heard? How I Could Jus Kill a Man, The Duke of Earl
  9. square? i don't have any idea if the art i put up would even fit into a jewel case, i'm guessing nobody really prints them out anyhow. if you want, just cut and paste one of these and match your size to that.
  10. no need for a PM...I just throw shit together in powerpoint, group it and save it as a picture.
  11. You're just not watching hard enough. Pull up one of Dude's old posts and watch it again.
  12. I walked in the door from work yesterday and my wife was reading a book to the kids that ran through the A-B-C's and had a couple of picture examples of things that began w/ each of the letters. I just sat there and watched until she got to a little additional detail on V and then I busted out laughing: The kids didn't get it.
  13. I'd ride shotgun as Bez, but nobody would get it...w/ the distance and all.
  14. Lake Land Community College in Mattoon? Were you there when they turned Panthers into a strip club? It lasted like a month I think. I had graduated by then and before that, we had to smuggle them in from Champaign if we wanted a show. It really felt like that little town had finally come into it's own, but the dream was not to be. I think that is what lead to Hardee's being closed or maybe they could never get the pee smell out. COACH BOB SPOOOOOOOOOOOO!
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