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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. how's that whole not being mean and starting fights thing working out for you?
  2. While we're on the subject, regardless of what he says, Diddy did NOT invent the remix. GIVE A HOOT!
  3. I don't know if i'd call him witty...he's got a powerful, sometimes unique, delivery/style and has had some catchy hooks to drop rhymes over. The whole murder/i'm crazy thing was done by other artists a long time ago (i.e. Ghetto Boyz), the novelty that it was being spit by a white guy wore off for me after the first single.
  4. They did indeed. Again, my children's toes and I both thank you.
  5. Absolutely, just like every other genre of music. If someone is judging all of hip hop by what they hear from Eminem, i'd completely understand their distaste for it.
  6. 'Good evening, godless sodimites!' Actually, most of me and my christian pals do actually hate all the fags and hope their pedophile asses die of AIDS...just like it says in the bible.
  7. The last time I bought something because of something I read in Rolling Stone was...well, never. I'm just busting balls Lou. I'd never disagree that checking into most, if not all, of the artists you mention would be an enriching experience to anybody even remotely interested in the blues or even music in general.
  8. Did Mayer or anybody else even say that Continuum should be considered a traditional blues album? If this was a thread about his 'trio' project, i'd understand the prodding to Muddy Waters, Howlin Wolf, etc. to put things into some sort of context. Otherwise, your using apples and oranges to try and get somebody to listen to what you think is good (AKA superior) music. While stepping back to look at the roots of contemporary artists to better enjoy their music can oft be a really cool experience...it's not and shouldn't be required to enjoy somebody's music.
  9. Johnny Socks Personally, we got them from a wonderful pal out East....but you can order them here: Uncommon Goods
  10. I suspect that it was just kept out of the public eye better, but you may have files I don't.
  11. (Pretty as a) Penny (Lane) Dunham Hates rainy days, tabasco sauce and Nazis. As she would consider herself still a baby, one of 100+ pictures of the kids where she has demanded to be included. She has since taken to sitting right by their side when they are playing in the living room or particpating in daily contests of who can slobber on who more.
  12. Do you really think that this sort of thing didn't happen until Bush got into office?
  13. quck shots this morning on the cellphone, but that isn't too far from the truth...7 mos. old in two days.
  14. you're a good parent who's obviously taught them an excellent sense of right/wrong...every kid is different and it's up to their parents to raise them the best way they know how. that's awesome.
  15. Dear Miss Jenpeelangopunkrockbgirl, We wanted to thank you for the awesome socks you sent us way back that look like tennis shoes. We rocked a set of dark blue and orange, respectively, at a party over the weekend and received mad props and a few yes, yes ya'lls from those in attendance. Today, we're going black and blue. As we are too small yet for a fly pair of white w/ black striped superstar shelltoes or, more imprtantly, walk on the stage at live aid for that matter...these things rock bells. Thanks again!* * This is Owen & Logan.
  16. Ditto, but I can swing on a vine over quicksand and alligator infested ponds like a motherfucker.
  17. but of course, i'd send it to you too whether you even asked or not. btw, watch the post a photo thread in the other section in 10-15 minutes. two words...johnny socks.
  18. so did I. however, how old are/were you when games like Grand Theft Auto came out and wouldn't you say that it is a lot different/more realistic than what was avail back in the 80's/even 90's? for the record, I think just not allowing it into the house isn't enough...you have to raise your kids to understand how shit featured within isn't acceptable behavior. perhaps, maybe the latter is enough for some parents to then allow the games to be played at a certain age...which I could completely understand. it's all how you parent your children and to that, I say, to each their own.
  19. speaking of mixes, I picked up a used copy of some Grand Royal B-boy promo sampler that must have been released around Ill Communication yesterday, w/ a bunch of remixes of Sureshot (amongst other things) and, even better, '33% God'...the original Dust Brothers track that inspired 'Shake Your Rump'. You in, johnny?
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