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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. this does not surprise me a bit, but I for one would love to see a G-Funk trip to the Admiral. RC, can you make arrangements? G, start working on kate to let you go.
  2. dude, i'm sure that link is firewalled away from the work PC...but that response is golden.
  3. you should talk to jude's 'friend'. Again with the "friend". Grow some balls and just say it was you.
  4. i'll give you a magic can of corn to stop posting. right now.
  5. just joking, it just sounded like you came back from the past from out of nowhere to tell him to step up. i know your stance on objectificational pursuits involving nude women and the whatnot, so i'm sorry if I offended you.
  6. Misnomer. not all said clubs are dirty and grimy. however, if you actually want dirty girls, choose the club accordingly. i would figure you'd have some good joints in florida. wait a minute...watch me fall was the dancer?! sweet jesus!
  7. no doubt. did you miss WTFdidsaythistime's addition to the list that you should come strapped w/ morning after pills? that's good stuff.
  8. not really. i do have to add that my buddies kory, kevin and elvis, all knowing Moose would fuck this up, took me to Big Al's in Peoria the night before...where I particpated in a stage show w/ the 1995 Miss Petite Nude World International and was written on in marker by 5-10 other dancers. it was pretty fun. RC is dead on bob. bob. make sure you check out all the dancers prior to gettign a dance from one...if you have one you might be interested in while you're browsing, tell her she looks great but you're not quite ready yet, slip her few singles and tell her to come back later.
  9. 'swinging ass'? the 'dancer' that was procured for my bachelor party was not from a strip service, but an escort service. my buddy Moose, who was both selling and doing massive amounts of drugs at the time, was in charge of this arrangement and said he was informed she'd be a 20-something aerobics instructor. when she arrived, she was most definitely not 20 or even 30 something and, while in shape, probably not an aerobic instructor either. when she walked in, the music stopped and all you could here was one of my buddies saying: 'dude, that's somebody's Mom'. well, it turns out she brought
  10. anybody got a good line on a monkey costume for a 7-month old who wears 3-6 month size duds?
  11. I mean, really, how exspensive would it be to get clearance on a candlebox or sponge or montell jordan song? they'd probably sign off for cheap.
  12. one night at a strip joint in Canton, Ohio, a dancer 'winked' at me. ficky, do you want some stamps?
  13. my buddy Elvis had a stripper who either was or had been pregnant lactate on him at a club we hit during a bachelor party in Kentucky. it was awful.
  14. i like the clips i've heard, but i'm still not quite sure...looking to test drive first.
  15. I got conned by a co-worker to head to the champagne room at Crazy Horse Too in Vegas w/ the two dancers who had just given us lapdances...while we're waiting in line to go up there, he wanders out of said line and leaves me w/ both of them. they both insist that i'm now liable to have both of them dance for me up there. i'm pissed as I know it's going to cost a mint and i didn't really want to go anyhow. luckily, as we're standing in line, one has a seizure and ends up flopping around on the floor...probably from the coke they were both obviously on...and i'm thrilled to be part of the specta
  16. unless your going the whole magilla in the webster's definition which includes bestiality...which i'm not really down with.
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