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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. I liked Gozer better and it seems i've caught a cold.
  2. I knew you'd come through for me. I thought about that when I posted it.
  3. I heard a snippet in one of the previews for the flick and it sounded great. Looking forward to it.
  4. seriously, that's about the most fun you can have watching a video and listening to a tune. I felt like a sophmore in college all over. M.Chris, i'm sorry to hear about the loss of your iconic personality.
  5. Oh man, that sounds cool. Considering Paul's Boutique is one of those albums I could just dissect and go over piece by piece, sample by sample...I hope for a similair experience. ction, that sounds like an interesting idea...
  6. Free your mind and your ass will follow. Hells yes.
  7. I'll be damned, I just noticed that...I thought that it had additional bonus tracks too, but that doesn't seemto be the case. It was 'free money' I used, but still. Fuck.* *After reading this post, please paypal an additional $1 for the swear word.
  8. Awesome, as i'm extremely interested...they sound like they have a nice flow and that's some serious groove going on under the rhymes. re: The Roots, word up. hey, if you like it, you like it and if you don't, you don't. i'm taking it to dinner and asking it to marry me.
  9. It sent me a note in 3rd period English and it likes you too.
  10. that's all a matter of opinion. flip that for me. I know he's a legend and all, but I have zero interest in anything he's released in the past 10 years or longer. I did enjoy his duet w/ Soy Bomb, however.
  11. The question is, if U2 'sold out' by doing an iPod ad...does the same rule apply to Bob? Plain and simple. Personally, I don't think either 'sold out'...marketing your album, especially when it's so easy to get it for free and your an artist who may be a little 'long in the tooth', is a neccesary evil. As far as the 'new album day' thing, I don't have the ability to really take advantage of site like Oink. If somebody hooks me up w/ something early, i'll listen to it...and then go out and buy it to support the artist. Honestly though, I do miss the whole 'ditch out of work to go to the recor
  12. No worries here man. S'all good. BTW, had trouble DL'ing that Cyne...it's put me into a weird loop of asking for an account and then still not giving it up when I put one in. In lieu, i listened to clips on iTunes and it sounds freaking great...do you use rapidshare?
  13. It's all good buddy, I totally understand how being a diehard fan of an artist will do that.
  14. I have yet to read any of those 33 1/3 books. I used to see them at Tower and there is one copy of the one for DJ Shadow's 'Endtroducing' I always see at the Barnes& Noble by work. If this is as good as I think it will, i'll have to nab that one and the one that the Decemberist dude did on the Mats.
  15. Ahhh yes, the hi-top fade cut... I really wish somebody in hip-hop would bring that back. Unless it's the owner of the illest fade in history...
  16. Finally orderd this... Per Sir S's reccomendation and i'm looking forward to it.
  17. please tell me you have a pair of matching boots.
  18. and, again, for the record...I have no problem w/ artists as big as Dylan/U2 to indie acts like Iron & Wine/Spoon utilizing this as another revenue stream and marketing tool to get their music out to a wider audience. It's good business. However, I smell double standard relative to Bob doing it vs. U2. Unsurprisingly.
  19. No, you're right...that really is a lame rationalization.
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