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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. Thanks. Could you post here again when the fake Swedish guy puts something new up? That'd be great.
  2. Chicks dig me, because I rarely wear underwear and when I do it's usually something unusual. But now I know why I have always lost women to guys like you. I mean, it's not just the uniform. It's the stories that you tell. So much fun and imagination. ObliviousToMyself, you are a madman. When you stole that cow, and your friend tried to make it with the cow. I want to party with you, cowboy. If the two of us together, forget it. I'm gonna go out on a limb here. I'm gonna volunteer my leadership to this board. An message board without leaders is like a foot without a big toe. And AWATT is alw
  3. I've changed my mind. This is shaping up to be like the Laff-A-Lympics...except none of the contestants are cartoons and the chances of me hooking up a threesome w/ Brenda, Dee Dee & Taffy of the Teen Angels or doing lines of coke off of Daisy Mayhem's ass while she blows the Blue Falcon in the lockeroom are slim to none. However, Ron Cey, Wookies and Ction (L to R) look ready to compete:
  4. This is shaping up to be like the Battle of the Network Stars...except none of the contestants are network stars and the chances of me doing lines of coke off of Joyce Dewitt's ass while she blows Larry Hagman in the lockeroom are slim to none. Awesome. Thanks for weighing in.
  5. Packs of drunken frat boys roam the streets of Lincoln Park like bands of killer apes, except with baseball hats and a little bit more chest thumping. If you value your life, you'll go nowhere near there.
  6. I don't know, his list of the Top 10 most influential bands on that website is pretty solid...
  7. Yeah, I listened to one tune from that and it was pretty awful. It's a shame too, Barker is a fucking madman on drums. Still makes laugh he got his start in the Aquabats.
  8. It is different, but in a good way. I've always had a soft spot for Blink and my wife still loves them...and she absolutely loves this record. It's a little more ambitious, channeling early U2 and the Cure versus the power pop that was completely mislabled as 'punk' on the Blink stuff. Nothing revolutionary, but a really nice sounding album.
  9. I downloaded the Angels & Airwaves album for my pop-punk loving wife and have found myself actually enjoying it. A lot. Now, bed.
  10. Er, okay. Anyway, here's one of their best tunes. Never saw the video until now, kind of interesting. It's from some Vh1 One Hit Wonders Countdown though and they are hardly one-hit wonders. '74-'75
  11. sweet. thanks. I have most of their albums at home, but it'd be nice to have here on the laptop @ work. oblivioustomyself, got it...still sounds a little parked backwards in the forest preserve though.
  12. but the high speed pursuits have got to be blast to watch.
  13. This is your lucky day... From the album 'Ring': 'Slackjawed' From the album 'Weird Food & Devastation' 'Maybe' Two of my favorites, actually, free from their barren website. Y'know, I have a great 'Best Of' comp that came free w/ the album before their last, if I can find it...i'll post a link or something. The lack of their music anywhere on the web is insane! Great live band too.
  14. What happened to the Ask Ron Cey thread? I never found out if he was for or against Billy Barty? While we're on the subject, I just had one of those absolutely golden iTunes moments while searching for the Connells, instead found a white hot cover of 'Shock the Monkey' by Don Ho.
  15. Have you ever listened to the Connells? Not as jangly as the La's, but a great band of similar ilk...which, by some insane travesty, have none of their albums on iTunes. WTF?!
  16. I'll second the 'good album but There She Goes is probably the best thing on there' comment. The whole thing is a great listen and it was the one band my younger sister and I could agree on during the 'Great Morrisey/Smiths vs. The Replacements Debate of 1991' that almost tore the Dunham household apart at the seams.
  17. Correction... Actually, while we're on the subject... and Coincidence? I think not. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-men.
  18. It would, but i'd venture a guess i'm the only one who really reads my posts AND finds them funny. Ron, in actuality, the main thing that offends me are the occasional uber-liberal double-standards displayed in threads concerning religion...as in 'I can't stand the way 'they' look down at people who don't believe, besides people that believe in god are idiots, he's a myth'. Same thing goes for the stereotyping of anybody who calls themself a christian, when stereotyping of other races and sexual orientations is baaaad. Granted, i'm paraphrasing a little, but I enjoy a well-played sacrilege a
  19. 'Bible Bangers' don't...but i'm not really a 'bible banger'. Do you even actually read my posts?
  20. As hard as I try to be offended by this, I just can't... Too awesome.
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