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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. and, while it doesn't make the bloodlust on display by certain sudanese factions, i completely thought the same thing. even if you don't agree w/ a culture and/or respect it, if you are in an enviornment where it is such a volatile element of your surroundings...you better damn well understand it inside and out.
  2. Dear Tualla, Your fishnets, are they on ebay as well? P.S. $5
  3. Dear Glass Tiger, What the fuck?! P.S. $5
  4. You should write a 'Dear Bryan Adams' letter w/ $5 in it and ask him.
  5. AH-HA! well done. that said, i don't think i'm going to order them anyhow.
  6. it's the suggestive title. panteeeee parteeeeee.
  7. different light frequencies passing through the atmosphere? i thought it was 40 lashes and 6 mos. in jail?
  8. well, my guess it will be considered luddite by some of the hardcore musical intelligenista ...but they are the 10 tracks I thought were the best. i guess we'll see on tuesday.
  9. okay, i'm done. let mek now who i should send it to and when i can post for general consumption. can you reorder tracks onto that div share player? i put them in , but they aren't really in any sort of of actual roder based on my enjoyment. does it matter?
  10. all arguments about religion aside, it really is wrong and a horrible situation.
  11. Yep. i don't think one person in there said it was anything but reprehensible and the 'intellectual jousting' occuring in the other thread is all based around trying to comprehend why shit like this happens. does our conversation make it any less reprehensible? don't think so.
  12. ...but you're ommitting the part where it is understood that no one is perfect EXCEPT for God. that we all sin and will continue to do so. one should try to be as close to God as he/she can w/ the understanding while it's never truly attainable, it will still help you be a better person. again, you aren't looking at the entire picture...only the pieces that support your stance and ignoring the rest.
  13. i'm in, but i'll just post the link and the list on here for anybody to DL...i don't need a partner.
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