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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. as i don't count my pixies post as being wrong, i'm 3 for 3.
  2. yes, but incorrectly and it would have been better for the bit for you to say yes after telling rwkb no. fucking a, you having a beetis attack?
  3. as much as i love most of those...i had to go w/ LOTR. that trilogy was the last time i had genuinely amazing experieince going to the movies...and felt the same way watching it on the smaller screen as well.
  4. the film trilogy where lou is played by paul giamatti's dad and featuring jamie fox as coltrane?
  5. pee, yvette designed me a pair of those chucks for x-mas last year and then changed it to a gift certificate for me to design my own when i saw the 'place order' screen she accidentally had left out on the PC to attend to the kids. they freaking rule. i'm seriously considering buying yvette two tickets (her and someone of her choosing that isn't me) to the 'dancing w/ the stars tour' stop at allstate arena. the drawback is the the only availble setas are in the upper section...i can't see how watching george hamilton do the mambo from that high can be exciting. but, she loves that fucking sh
  6. i know i'm a glutton for punishment, but i have to ask again...jnick, do you undertsand the difference between disrespect and disagree?
  7. thousands of white supremecists, militia group members, organized crime families, etc. would probably disagree. is it the organizational aspect versus the belief itself that you take issue with? while innocent death on any count is horrible, i find killing someone w/out any basis of reason for doing so just as, if not more, frightening. does an organized religious group who saves lives via missionary work have any less of a positive end result than those who save similar lives under no religious belief or context? save a life, take a life, etc.
  8. c'mon now. it's certain people, some religious and some not, that paint the world in black and white, right and wrong, good or bad. pinning that on the entire concept of religion? please.
  9. fanatacists of any sort can be both annoying and/or dangerous. all religious fanatics are not dangerous...all non-religious fanatics are not dangerous. if a muslim kills someone in their name of their religion versus someone killing another person in the name of nothing, does it make the murder any more horrible? if someone is screaming at you that your lack of belief in god makes you a bad person versus someone is screaming at you that your belief in god makes you a bad person, does it make the act any more annoying? it's really not apples and oranges at all. jnick, are you saying that a
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