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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. not that I disagree as a whole by any means, but what did the experts say was more reliable?
  2. my guess is that he actually soft-rocked his sleeves right off midway throug the first song.
  3. Much like the last one, I can only listen to it for a couple of spins and then have to put it away for a while...then it's fun again.
  4. $5 that someone here posts it couldn't be any worse than bush.
  5. the 'saving a petri dish versus full grown human' scenario wasn't really relevant to the actual discussion/point of contention at hand...except in severe medical cases where the mother's life is in jeapordy, it isn't a case of one or the other. in dershowitz's scenario, if he is indeed using that example to justify Israeli sanctioned torturing, it's making a completely different (and extremely melodramatic) point as counterpoint to a different discussion. the only difference for me, is that i don't think the terrorist/kidnapping example is completely bunk.
  6. You know, you are calling this guy a douchebag for doing something extremely similar to you or whomever that guy was you like to quote during the whole 'petri dish in a burning building' debacle.
  7. aren't you giving his views a little more creedence than they deserve? does one person every really create the ENTIRE atmosphere of a particular debate? you debate the person based on facts and diffuse any of the arguments that aren't grounded in irrefutable fact.
  8. Played him in the People Vs. Larry Flynt if I remember correctly.
  9. why would we engage anybody (intellectual or otherwise) to engage in any sort of debate w/ him if it isn't worth debating?
  10. AKA 'take healthcare away from babies'
  11. I feel like i'm in high school again, except i've gotten laid a lot more. A total blast and a much more strpped down sound ala Electric.
  12. i'd challenge that excessive disobedience can and none of the other stuff happened, you are know arguing based on what-ifs versus what-is. do you challenge this guy has more than numerous opportunities to avoid being tasered? also, just for my own sanity, you have cast aside the notion that this was based on any level of politics and/or eradication of free speech, yes?
  13. i'm not about to be an armchair quarterback and say it wasn't warranted. i'm not a cop and i wasn't there. all i know is, i'm watching a video where a guy was told several times to STOP MOVING OR WE ARE GOING TO EMPLOY A TAZER and continued to move.
  14. it's also okay to admit the ultimate accountability for this whole thing rests w/ that meyer kid. to review what went wrong and make sure it doesn't happen again: don't physically/forcefully resist the police when asked to leave a seminar for acting like an ass (whether you think it's right or wrong) and you won't get restrained/partially cuffed/tazered.
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