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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. Just in honor of tomorrow's game: Waggoner v. Wal-Mart
  2. Maybe they're just trying to drastically lower expectations.
  3. It's amazing to me that crap like this still goes on. Although, I suppose the religious zealots will always try to prevent the children's books that feature gay parents.
  4. I think my political leanings have been pretty obvious from the majority of my posts on this thread and the ones before it. If it makes you feel better to paint me as some dipshit racist hick, then that's your prerogative.
  5. What do either of those things have to do with each other? I love Wilco because I love their music and I think they are the best band out there right now. I also love The National and I like Pearl Jam and The Decemberists, etc., etc. (I can't think of any other bands that have done benefits off the top of my head). It's a pretty ridiculous assertion to make, as if the two were mutually exclusive.
  6. I understood the original question. However, my main motivation in this election is doing my best to ensure Obama is not our next president. Trust me, McCain is not my ideal choice, but in my opinion, he's the better of the two.
  7. These are the top 2 reasons why I will be voting against Obama.
  8. I didn't realize that Phil Gramm had the kind of power to pass and sign legislation himself as a senator.
  9. I know this is the popular way of thinking on this board, but the main problem stems from encouraging these companies to fully immerse themselves into the subprime market and provide home loans to people that couldn't afford to buy houses. Which is why McCain's endorsement of Andrew Cuomo, who led the charge on this whole mess as HUD Secretary under Clinton, is very puzzling and concerning.
  10. They're not responsible but that's where their feelings are fostered and developed, and then they grow older. I'm not trying to absolve religion of any fault, I'm merely suggesting that there are other motivations behind people's prejudices than just religion. I also don't think DOMA was solely passed based on religious viewpoints. It might be one small reason among many others. But solely blaming religion for all of society's ills is just as intellectually dishonest as not bringing up religious belief when discussing the challenges faced by homosexuals in this country.
  11. I would also add that I think the hatred, dislike, etc., for homosexuals is more heavily created within the groupthink atmosphere of young boys and men who are in a constant battle to prove how masculine they are during their teen years. There are definitely some religious aspects to these views for some, but when you hear the term "gay" being used in the pejorative sense, it's not because those people think it's sinful behavior.
  12. One of my least favorite things about that show is how it beats you over the head with this. The metaphor is obvious enough.
  13. Used a Genius playlist yesterday to load up my Shuffle to cut the grass. I based it off "Hotwax" by Beck and got some pretty good yet predictable results with some Flaming Lips, White Stripes, Wilco, Pavement, Beck, Talking Heads, etc. I like it so far because it's a good way to hear some songs buried in your library and I thought it all matched up pretty well. To be honest, though, I have no use for the Genius sidebar with its recommendations from the iTunes store.
  14. Jaws is great. Granted, he's better at pointing things out after he's studied them on film, but I think his analysis is generally really good. And Kornheiser has never bothered me. I don't get the hate that exists for him. I think Tirico is the weak link of the three.
  15. I know it always makes me wonder who is answering these calls. Even when I do pick up the phone, I don't even wait to hear who it is when I can tell its not a personal call. Who sits and answers these questions for polling data?
  16. The AV Club's write-ups on each episode so far are pretty good (I'm too lazy to link right now), and they hit the nail on the head for me. I haven't been too impressed so far, but there is enough potential from each episode to bring me back. At least in the short term. The previews for next week's episode looked pretty intense, at least. Although, if it doesn't pick up soon, I'll probably write it off and stick to the old reliables. The lack of any strong new series this year is pretty good evidence of the effects of the writer's strike.
  17. Clearly you are not even reading anything I have said. I have never said everything bad happens because of Democrats and I even pointed out how Republicans are probably as much to blame for failing to pass any kind of reform in this issue. For instance, Barney Frank who originally stated he didn't think it was necessary has later come out and said that he didn't vote for anything because of Republican-added amendments. So the blame can also fall on political infighting and partisanship. However, I was merely looking at the Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac situation which I think largely stems fro
  18. Look dude, I know that Republicans have kicked your dog and are responsible for all the problems in this world, but Republicans do not comprise one entity who do everything together. There are individual Republicans and individual Democrats -- some are good, some are bad. I haven't looked up the particulars on this specific Senate bill, but since it died in committee, I doubt there is much to find without a single vote. The only thing that is obvious are the sponsors of the bill, which is what I was trying to point out. But, since in your world, all Republicans are the same and named Geor
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