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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. Why does abortion continue to be such an important issue on both sides of the aisle?
  2. Yet, sexism still runs pretty rampant. Go figure.
  3. I don't think someone voting or not voting makes anything his or her fault. That's an interesting perspective on the voting process.
  4. Yes, let's really put the squeeze on these companies, then. There isn't a tax plan that will work without important cuts and limits on federal spending. Something we have not had for the last eight years.
  5. I'm not sure how that demonizes you. The right to not exercise your right to vote is just as powerful. Besides, a "nonvote" in 2004 was the only logical choice to make then.
  6. I'm glad Obama's saving everybody so much money. After all, we will definitely need it with the outrageous corporate tax rates and high capital gains and dividends taxes that will be passed on to employees and consumers. I say employees, but that's only if you weren't laid off by an employer forced to cut costs and save money.
  7. If it didn't say how much more McCain would tax you, then it most likely means that you would benefit from McCain's tax plan. This isn't, after all, a nonpartisan site aimed to truly assist voters to make informed decisions.
  8. Really? I enjoyed it. I also really enjoyed The Beatles Love show in Vegas.
  9. I have seen other comments relaying the hate and fear mantra (along with Howard Dean). That's where the class warfare comment arose from. And since class warfare is a direct product of hate and fear-mongering, I find it odd that Republicans/Conservatives have been fit with that label at times.
  10. So conservatives are uptight and stupid and they only believe in hate and fear (which is funny to me since the Democrats are the ones that play the class warfare card every election cycle). I love politics!
  11. When I was in the market for a new car, I considered a Prius. But I don't like leather interior and the cloth interior felt really cheap to me. I decided to go for a new Nissan Altima. They don't sell the hybrid version of that car in my state, but I definitely would have considered it.
  12. HOW TO START EACH DAY WITH A POSITIVE OUTLOOK 1. Open a new file in your computer. 2. Name it 'Barack Obama'. 3. Send it to the Recycle Bin. 4. Empty the Recycle Bin. 5. Your PC will ask you: 'Do you really want to get rid of 'Barack Obama?' 6. Firmly Click 'Yes.' 7. Feel better? GOOD - Tomorrow we'll do Nancy Pelosi!
  13. Sometimes I can't tell you whether you are being serious. These comments seal it, though. No way can you be serious about those.
  14. bleedorange

    I fear

    You had me up until here. And completely lost me here. Neither of these albums are that good. In fact, Nouns is pretty bad. I haven't heard the new Silver Jews album. So, you're saying it's good?
  15. Yeah, that definitely added to the greatness of that song.
  16. I don't disagree there. I thought we were just talking about songwriting. Plus, Isbell's solo album was a huge disappointment. I had such high expectations, though, so maybe it was a little unfair.
  17. Why is that? I've encountered that feeling amongst U2 fans, too, and I don't understand it. I think it's a great song. I'm certainly interested in the new album, but count me as someone who was so thoroughly disappointed with Atomic Bomb that my level of interest has waned.
  18. I liked Isbell, too. But he only wrote 8 Truckers songs. Half of which were incredible, and half were so-so. I don't see how his loss means that much to the quality of a band or would make much difference to a fan. And Cooley has only written one of the best songs in the history of rock music in Zip City (to name one of many of his highlights).
  19. Yeah, I was surprised at the amount of hate for these. Two of the better songs on the album. And who doesn't like Cooley???
  20. That is true. Good point. Oh for the good ole days.
  21. I don't really remember from years past, but has there always been this much of a circus surrounding a VP pick? It's ridiculous.
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