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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. I actually wasn't outraged over anything. I just don't think there is anything to be gained by inserting race into an issue that has nothing to do with race. And why use this "southern strategy" of "what is scarrier to white people than an uppity black man talking sex with their children?" in non-Southern states?
  2. I just find the insinuation that this would be a purposeful intention to play on racial fears to be completely bogus.
  3. It's actually a comprehensive sex education bill that encompasses all grades K-12 and discusses all aspects of sex, including consequences, contraception, abstinence, harassment, etc. It is more than just a program to teach kids about sexual predators. The second item refers to "age and developmentally appropriate" education. Who determines that? And you had to go racial, didn't you, with the inane comment about scary, uppity black men.
  4. Wasn't Lincoln a Representative? And I would argue that a six-year governor, even of a state that lacks a powerful governor, qualifies as having experience.
  5. It's certainly a far cry from his time at Texas and his rookie season. It's almost hard for me to square this story with the ultra-confident, nerves of steel Vince that I watched in Austin.
  6. Same goes for me. Without an active knowledge of the fair or the ferris wheel, I was on pins and needles trying to figure out what they would come up with.
  7. That's what I get for not paying attention to the weather the last couple of days. If Ike is going to be as bad as they say, and both Texas and Arkansas have that weekend off, then it's probably the only smart decision to make. I guess we'll see.
  8. Really? Will the weather in Austin really be that bad Saturday afternoon? I know they are talking about moving the start time up for Stanford/TCU here in Fort Worth. It all seems a little too precautionary to me, but maybe it is the prudent thing to do. I don't know.
  9. Hey, me too. Well, except for those last two. Although, I have to admit to really liking Chick-Fil-A and Whataburger occasionally. And In-N-Out Burger when I'm on the west coast. (Of course, neither Whataburger nor In-N-Out are particularly fast.) How's that for bipartisanship.
  10. Amazing. That's not a giant leap to a conclusion or anything. You seem to have a lot of hate built up. It's unhealthy.
  11. I don't want to get into another abortion debate (especially since I don't find myself in either camp). I have just always thought that feminism encompassed a whole lot more than just being pro-choice. I know plenty of women that I would consider feminists who are pro-life. Things like equal pay, equal opportunities for success, ability to succeed in all sorts of careers without being subjected to typical chauvinism, etc., seem to fit more in with what feminism is (or, at least, what I've always considered feminism to be).
  12. Why is that the seemingly only important issue for feminists, though? Why or when did pro-life and feminism become mutually exclusive?
  13. a) Do we have to get personal? b ) Is Jules running against Obama? c) This is all getting kind of ridiculous.
  14. This is an honest question (no sarcasm here). What defines a feminist?
  15. I'm wondering how it is okay to reduce McCain and Palin to caricatures while making the point how it is terrible when people do it to Obama.
  16. Is he about to slather that thing with ketchup? If so, that is unforgivable. Even the little girl next to him is looking on in disgust.
  17. It looks like the claims in at least NM and CO don't hold up when you look at the actual numbers. But Palast has to get his donations to continue his "investigating" somehow. There's also an interesting story on the NY Times about college students registering in Virginia. I went to school in my home state, so I've always wondered about this issue never having been faced with it. I always just figured you had to register in the state where your permanent address was. But if you can register where you go to school, would it be easy to vote in two different states? Probably a stupid questi
  18. I like him on Football Night in America, though. The addition of Dan Patrick this year is an added bonus.
  19. Granted, it's the first game of the season, but after watching that game I'm definitely a lot more confident in the Cowboys winning the division.
  20. Wouldn't you need to leave enough space at the bottom for future releases?
  21. Come on now......Rush = shitty, yes. But Heart was a pretty good band with some solid songs.
  22. I agree. Rudy did not come off very well at all last night, and it begs the question why the GOP would march him out there. Especially after his campaign fell flat on its face before it even got started. I would have preferred to see Michael Steele at a more primetime friendly slot. Of course, I'm sure this would have only raised the accusation of tokenism in some circles.
  23. That's one of the strangest stories I've seen. All I know is that after watching Hard Knocks, I am so pumped for the Cowboys season this year. Even more so than usual.
  24. I don't vote based on who might die when. It's way too speculative, especially within the next year. However, I do think the experience and knowledge she will gain throughout the rest of the campaign and as vice president will adequately prepare her if the worst-case scenario does happen and something happens to McCain. I also trust the decisions McCain will make in constructing a cabinet and administration that would surround her and advise her in the unlikely event of a McCain death.
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