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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. What do lying, appealing to the lowest common denominator, walking the fine line between what may be acceptable or what may not be, etc., all have in common? They are all commonly used campaign tactics. So this is your first day following politics in the United States, I assume? I think everyone on this board would love for the conversation to be elevated to the point where substantive issues are examined and discussed. A campaign full of meaningful debate. A government willing to compromise. However, we are in the vast minority. And candidates need to get elected. So, yeah, I think
  2. Jesus, do any of y'all ever get tired of constantly whining about everything? Who cares? Do whatever it takes to get elected. That's the name of the game.
  3. How is this so difficult to understand? Even at the REPUBLICAN NATIONAL CONVENTION, there will be REPUBLICAN delegates there who still support Ron Paul. When party leaders decide on a platform, they don't all walk into the room and agree on everything 100%. I would actually be very surprised that anyone identifying as a Democrat or Republican agrees with everything that particular party stands for.
  4. Me too. I always really liked "I'm like a songwriter/You're the reason I've run out/Run out of metaphors." I also like the Summerteeth version of My Darling. I can never decide if it's just a sweet lullaby or a promise to a young child that the problems/divorce of the parents has nothing to do with her and they want to reassure her that she will always be loved. A little bittersweet and the production adds to it.
  5. Technically, that's not true. Everyone decides the election, it's just that there is near certainty how certain states will wind up voting. So it comes down to the ones that are less clear. Which is, of course, how it always happens.
  6. So you're saying that this would be evidence that Romney doesn't actually want to do anything about the tax code in order to keep in place certain loopholes that only he and his rich friends would be able to take advantage of? That's quite a leap in logic.
  7. I think this is probably true of artists like Wilco, Radiohead, etc., who have albums that can sound very different from each other.
  8. No, I was going by the Rank the Studio Albums thread from a while back: Being There, Summerteeth, and A Ghost is Born are all considered to be in that next tier right under Yankee Hotel Foxtrot, and the difference between them is negligible. So when this poll contains two of those three, I would say it is more of a function of the fact that Pitchfork didn't rate AGIB very highly, which means that Pitchfork readers don't rate it as highly. That's all. Of course, this opinion is about as scientific as the poll we're discussing.
  9. I guess i underestimated the sensitive nature of fellow users. The mere suggestion that an opinion could be "wrong" should be taken as it is...a hyperbolic statement in a discussion about the merits of particular artists. I really fail to see how it could be seen as anything else. But, in the future, I'll start qualifying everything with "I think" or a smiley face to denote my usual light-hearted tone. (This is still merely a forum to discuss Wilco, music, and other things, correct? I mean, I know I've only been on here for 8 years.) On to the topic, it's like any other list that comes
  10. Spoken like someone with a bunch of wrong opinions.
  11. You're wrong on both counts.
  12. The Little League I played at is still alive in the LLWS!!
  13. It looks like everyone on this board needs to get down to Texas
  14. So, essentially, Wilco (the album) is nothing more than an album full of B-sides. Sounds about right.
  15. I haven't been to too many: Rangers Ballpark in Arlington Safeco Field Coors Field Wrigley Field Busch Stadium Minute Maid Park Arlington Stadium Astrodome
  16. It would be refreshing if both candidates came out and said matter-of-factly, "Look, people, I'm going to have to raise taxes. It's an economic certainty. And, you know what, that guy across from me is to. So let's cut the BS about tax cuts, etc., and talk about how we're going to do this." It would also be refreshing for both parties to come out and say, "Oh, and as for the abortion debate, it's legal...so deal with it. Also, we're both going to do our best to ensure LGBTs can marry whomever they want. So let's stop that distraction."
  17. This whole conversation has turned ridiculous. The fact that there is an attempt to make any correlation whatsoever between the politics of an artist and whether that means you can be a fan. So there is no room for opposing viewpoints anymore? There are plenty of artists I love who have differing political views. And even in the context of an overtly political song, I can hear and understand the artist's point of view, respectfully disagree (if that's the case), and go right on enjoying the hell out of the song. I used to think that this kind of thinking was reserved for the redneck cons
  18. Leave Me (Like You Found Me) and What Light are the worst Wilco songs.
  19. After thinking a lot about this topic, I've come to the conclusion that there is a grand total of zero Beatles songs that I dislike. I certainly prefer some over others, but don't actually dislike any of them.
  20. I'm not sure there are any songs on The Whole Love that are inferior to "Either Way." Are you sure you didn't mean something else?
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