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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. in·fe·ri·or adj \in-ˈfir-ē-ər\ 1 : situated lower down : lower 2 a : of low or lower degree or rank b : of poor quality : mediocre 3 : of little or less importance, value, or merit
  2. In fact, I just got a letter from him today, personally signed and asking for money. He's such a swell guy!
  3. I think Mitt Romney is like JFK and Abraham Lincoln all rolled up into one. I am proud to support him!
  4. Why do people keep asking why the band hasn't played as many songs from one of its worst albums? Shouldn't we just be happy about it and move on? Maybe not "sucks ass," but it is clearly an inferior song.
  5. It just might be the first time in the history of American politics that a candidate has made a campaign promise that would be very hard to actually implement.
  6. I seriously doubt Kinsler can play CF. Plus, with Martin and Gentry, he wouldn't need to. The biggest question is what to do with Murphy and Cruz, who are both going to become free agents after next year (2014). Murphy is going to play himself into a full-time starting role somewhere, but he still struggles against LHP. And Cruz will probably never match his 2010 season.
  7. I say we move Kins to left next year and bring Profar up to play second. I think the most important long-term deal we need to get done is Elvis. This will create a logjam in the outfield/DH spot for next year if Profar is ready with Cruz in his last year and Murphy, Gentry, Martin, and potentially Kinsler. I'd like to see them give Olt some time at first base so he can fill that role eventually. The problem is having Michael Young around who really needs to just be a utility infielder off the bench at this point, but will make too much money to justify that.
  8. There is no problem with losing Hamilton next year. I hope the Rangers let another team pay him an obscene amount of money. We have plenty of answers.
  9. It has nothing to do with "musical cred" or whether your tastes are the same as mine. Compare it to movies. If you've seen 20 movies in your entire life, you might think The Departed is the greatest movie of all-time. But when you start seeing more and more movies and reach back to more of Scorsese's films, etc., you soon realize that while The Departed may be pretty decent, it's far from great. You pick up on its shortcomings more easily. The same goes for music. If you listen to 5-10 albums a year, then perhaps you think every Wilco album is great. But if you listen to hundreds of ne
  10. I'll take anything over Leave Me Like You Found Me. In my opinion, of course. At least, it is my belief that Leave Me Like You Found Me is the worst song in Wilco's catalog. This, however, is just my opinion and I recognize that there may be others on this board who might enjoy listening to that song. I am in no way trying to invalidate the opinion of anyone who might think differently regarding the merits of Leave Me Like You Found Me. I am merely stating that my preference is to skip it every time it comes on. When skipping it, I do apologize to the song, the album, Wilco, Jeff Tweedy,
  11. This will sound condescending to most, but anyone who says that even the worst Wilco albums are still great needs to listen to a lot more music.
  12. The back half of SBS just bores me to tears. I can't really remember the last time I listened to anything after Side With the Seeds.
  13. I've never understood why some people need to see "I think..." or "It is my belief that..." before every opinion made on an internet message board. Of course these are opinions. However, I would think that the vast majority of people would find Wilco (the album) to be one of the band's worst. This isn't meant to convey that the entire album sucks, but rather that it just is not as good as most, if not all, of the rest of their catalog. There are probably only a couple of songs from it that I would want to hear in the future. That's the case with Sky Blue Sky also. These are the two wors
  14. As the original poster said, we're four shows in to this leg. There might be one or two songs from the previous album, but they don't emphasize it.
  15. Those "shit shows" aren't a result of defense spending, they're the result of bad decision-making. Spending money on defense is necessary in order to keep up with new technology and maintain strong forces when they are needed. It's one of the few things that the federal government is actually supposed to spend money on. There are ways to make it more efficient, though.
  16. If memory serves, they typically don't play many songs from the previous album in their shows. My guess is always that they just played those songs a ton on the previous tour, so there's no real good reason to play a bunch of them again. However, there isn't a standout song on that album that would be worth playing anyway.
  17. No, I'd like to go back to the general policies we had between 1980 and 2000.
  18. I find him to be the better choice between the two candidates. When it comes to issues involving taxes, government spending, government regulations, methods to achieve economic and job growth, etc., I'm more aligned with Romney. I'm also not a fan of how Obama has handled foreign policy for the most part.
  19. It's okay. Didn't really grab me, though. I remain convinced that they need to break up again. I really enjoyed each of their solo albums (as School of Language and The Week That Was).
  20. You're mixing up issues. Obama has simply decided not to enforce the law on this particular issue of illegal immigrants. Personally, I like the DREAM Act. However, it is not the law of the land. And Obama has merely decided that he thinks it's best to ignore this particular law and circumvent Congress by not enforcing it. I think that's dangerous and unconstitutional regardless of the fact that I agree with him.
  21. Thanks for the history lesson. It might be helpful to not think you're always smarter than everyone else. Your last paragraph is alarming.
  22. I'm starting to wonder why we even bother to elect Congressmen. Or why we concern ourselves with whether an elected official swears to uphold the Constitution. Why make laws and have a process for their passage if they can just be ignored by the whims of one man?
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