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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. I don't know that I ever burnout from listening to Wilco because I don't listen that much to begin with. Most of my time is spent listening to new music. Every so often, I'll go back and revisit one of my favorites, including Wilco. But there is just too much good music out there to waste so much time listening to just one band.
  2. The handwringing about home field advantage has gotten old. Especially since there isn't much correlation between it and playoff success. Especially this year. Home teams are 2-6 in the playoffs so far.
  3. Who's to say they wouldn't have gotten swept if they had opened at home? Then they would have only gotten two games at home instead of at least three.
  4. It's just for this year. Besides, it hasn't hurt the Reds. Or the Yankees. Or the Nationals.
  5. Hamilton's gone. I hope JD moves Young no matter what, even if that means having to eat a large part of his salary. No idea about Napoli, but I can see Texas re-signing him as long as the price doesn't get too high. I doubt Wash is going anywhere. The big question is what to do about Profar. I love Elvis and would love to see the two of them up the middle. Of course, that would mean moving Kins to the outfield where he would be overpaid for the numbers he put up this year. I think Wash hamstrung himself by thinking he had to play Michael Young, the worst everyday player in baseball thi
  6. It is a pretty good strategy, though. If you have a big lead going into the first debate, the best strategy is probably to open the door a little for the opponent to try to get back in the race.
  7. They faded. And they can't score runs anymore.
  8. I can't think of a bigger waste of time than watching the debates.
  9. People will believe anything. As long as it supports their argument.
  10. I wish they went through this process with an entire album.
  11. It's really a nonstarter. Of all government programs to question, this is certainly near the bottom of the list. Very sorry to hear about your brother, though.
  12. I really can't think of any artist I used to like that I can't listen to now. Even in my country days when I listened heavily to Garth Brooks, Clint Black, Hal Ketchum, etc., I can still go back and enjoy those albums. Also, I was never a huge Police fan (a little before my prime listening time), but how can Sting's solo career affect the music that he made when he was with the Police? If a song or album is good, how does a a song made years later change that?
  13. For some people, the "rich" can never pay enough. And apparently, those people are defined by some as those who make more than the average household income of families in Third World countries.
  14. Probably. I don't think he should. Of course, if Miggy hits a few more home runs down the stretch and wins the Triple Crown, I bet he wins it.
  15. One of my two favorite Rangers (along with Elvis). He's definitely the MVP for the Rangers. Cabrera is having an unbelievable year, though, and should probably win it.
  16. We also played this a lot, too: Shanghai rum
  17. Oh man, my family played Oh Hell all the time. That was greatness. We played this version: (from Wikipedia)
  18. It might be. I know that I had never heard of Euchre until I dated a girl from Michigan.
  19. This is the one I use: http://www.cribbagepro.net/ It could be the same one you're talking about, but I find it adequate enough on the Advanced level.
  20. I love board games, card games, etc. However, we don't play them as much anymore because I usually win and my wife can't stand losing. Most of the games we play now are with our daughter. She loves Go Fish and Old Maid and Candy Land, etc. I've always loved Spades and Hearts and play that with my family every time we get together. We also throw in random other party games (Apples to Apples, Battle of the Sexes, Imaginiff), but steer clear of anything involving trivia or strategy, because I usually win those every time too. There is a great Cribbage app out there for your phone. I usua
  21. This thread is about as strange as the video itself.
  22. I think that's an extremely unfair characterization of the Wallflowers. I happen to enjoy Wilco and early Counting Crows and the Wallflowers. All for different reasons. I also like Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers. Of course, as usual on this board, it is customary to tear something down to demonstrate how much you like something else.
  23. Substitute a few names and words and it's like we transported back 8 years.
  24. I don't think anyone really knows what "truly awful" means. The "truly awful" stuff is usually canceled fairly quickly. It's shows like According to Jim or Last Man Standing or 2 Broke Girls, which defy logic by surviving into multiple seasons despite being absolutely terrible.
  25. What's wrong with "One Headlight"? Or early Counting Crows, for that matter?
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