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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. I think you're looking at it all wrong. My two goals for what I wanted to see the Rangers do this offseason were met...eliminating Michael Young and Josh Hamilton from the roster. There's no way in hell I would have wanted Greinke at that price, so I'm glad the Rangers didn't offer him that much. Napoli has two degenerative hips. Who's to say he would be a better option than Pierzynski this year? Berkman had a great 2011. To say that he hasn't played a full season since 2011 is to say that he was hurt last year. He's never played fewer than 122 games in a season since his rookie year.
  2. For me it's a quality argument, but that only leads us down the subjectivity rabbit hole. There aren't too many bands who can claim a high-quality four-album run the way Wilco can with Being There, Summerteeth, YHF, and AGIB. Bolstered by a great live album and their deserved reputation for being a great live band, which puts them in the upper echelon, in my opinon. Sky Blue Sky had a couple of great songs on it but has a terrible back half (and no, I'm not being hyperbolic). Wilco (the album) suffers from banality across the board. The Whole Love has some great songs but really sags i
  3. Everything Wilco Me said about the band is true. And I never miss a show when they come close to Fort Worth. But I consume a lot of music and it has just been a while since anything Wilco has produced has truly excited me the way a lot of other bands have.
  4. I guess it really depends. For me, I've been disappointed in their last three albums to varying degrees and my desire to listen to the older stuff has waned. I haven't been a Wilco fan for as long as some here (13-14 years for me), but I still consider them one of my favorite bands and continue to hold out hope for a musical redirection I can fully embrace.
  5. After agreeing with you 100% on Impossible Germany, I have to disagree with you on Handshake Drugs. I never get tired of it. It always sounds great and the noise at the end still has a great effect on me.
  6. Although, if I'm being completely honest, I've grown weary of all of Wilco's songs. So, maybe, I'm not the right person to respond.
  7. I'm officially a Seahawks fan. Future looks bright. As for the song: I can't remember the last time I actually wanted to listen to it. It's a good rest/bathroom song for me at a concert.
  8. Thanks for that link. His views on the issue of torture as it's depicted in the movie nearly echo mine. Perhaps the problem for some of the other people in the debate is that the movie doesn't do enough to counter the views of the individual moviegoer who is predisposed to thinking that torture is valuable is effective. I guess I can see that. But I think the film is pretty effective at demonstrating that torture is ineffective; that it may have taken so long to find UBL because of the CIA's reliance on torture early on in the process; and that torture is disgusting, barbaric, and inhuman
  9. Yeah. I've been reading a lot about the torture controversy. I never found it to be endorsing the use of torture. Just got through watching Looper. Pretty good movie, too.
  10. I saw all of these this weekend and all of them were incredible films.
  11. Yeah, this thread devolved into "albums I really, really like" pretty quickly.
  12. Is Neko Case coming out with a new album this year? If so, really looking forward to that. Also, can't wait for Justin Timberlake's new one.
  13. Nice to see Odelay make your list. I'll need to think about it a little more but I would definitely have: Slobberbone - Everything You Thought was Right was Wrong Today
  14. I don't find anything silly about that line. Different strokes, I guess. I thought the song had some intriguing things to say about this country's view on drugs combined with a more subtle environmental message. I thought it was pretty poignant.
  15. Nobody ever said he was exceptional. Just that he handled the Rangers' staff well. Meshed really well with Yu during the latter part of the season. And called a good game. I think the hope is that his offensive numbers pick up a bit. You never know. There's also the chance that Texas signs Pierzynski, which would increase production from that position.
  16. It's a trade-off. They're not relying on or needing to trust his bat that much.
  17. That's what I figured you were getting at. I disagree. For one thing, we're not even to January yet, so there are still guys out there to sign that can fit in as helpful pieces to the puzzle. But beyond that, losing Young, Napoli, and Hamilton means we lose a combined WAR of 2.4. I'm confident the Rangers can make that up pretty easily. Plus, there's a lot of young talent that we'll finally be able to see play on a consistent basis. A rotation of Darvish, Harrison, Holland, Ogando, and Perez? Someone else at the fifth spot? Colby and Feliz back in midseason. I'm excited to watch these
  18. "Rock and Roll" is a pretty all-encompassing term. If there's room for R&B, Funk, Disco, etc. (which there obviously should be), why wouldn't there be room for rap?
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