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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. That's pretty reductive. As if a voting decision comes down to that simple choice. You've got to balance it out. It also depends on what you're voting for. On the federal level, fiscal policy and foreign policy take precedence over social issues because those issues are actually handled at that level. The state and local level requires more thought and really depends on the individual candidate. Here in Texas, the main races have been the Republican primaries, where more sensible Republicans run against crazy Tea Partiers (I know the widespread thought here is that every Republican and C
  2. The what? Are you saying the highest-rated shows are not indicative of what the mass public would rather watch? It goes beyond politics, too. It's why ESPN has been unwatchable for me for the past decade. It's been reduced to talking heads arguing over the stupidest things just for the sake of the argument.
  3. That's what everything is now. It's what the masses want to see.
  4. Does "What Light" even qualify as a rock song?
  5. I've already said it in this thread. Ted Cruz is an embarrassment to this state.
  6. Crow got mad that nobody was posting in the West explosion thread.
  7. I didn't realize Keith Moreland replaced Santo in the radio booth. I've always liked him. He always did a good job in the booth for the Longhorns. And he was a little league coach where I umpired in college. Had some good conversations with him over the years.
  8. Here's a good article from fangraphs from last year on the sacrifice bunt. Calling for one in the first inning is beyond ludicrous.
  9. If you're just trying to antagonize me, it's working.
  10. Just because something worked out doesn't mean it was a good move.
  11. Another sacrifice bunt attempt for Elvis in the first inning. I think Wash has done too much coke over his lifetime.
  12. The weather's really nice, but I'm not sure I would call it beautiful.
  13. I don't have the numbers on me, but a team is more likely to score a run with a runner on first and no outs versus a runner on second and one out. Obviously, there are some instances where a sacrifice bunt is well utilized, but it is highly dependent on the situation. The vast majority of the time, though, you're just giving up an out and killing your chances of a big inning.
  14. And I say it's a practice that has been around for about 40 years too long. I'd much rather watch a game where a pitcher has to battle a lineup of nine good hitters, where there is always a threat.
  15. You said it wasn't an automatic out, but I forgot about the joy factor of seeing a .130 hitter actually get a hit.
  16. 2012 League Averages: AL: .118 AVG .270 OPS NL: .129 AVG .329 OPS
  17. Ridiculous. The chess-to-checkers analogy might be your worst yet. Yes, the AL is full of chimps as managers who don't have to navigate the murky waters of the double-switch and having pitchers risk injury by bunting or hacking away or running station-to-station on the basepaths. It's a different game now. We're in the 21st century. There is a reason why every single level of baseball (except one) employs the Designated Hitter. There is no reason to allow pitchers to hit. It's dumb. It's antiquated.
  18. 1) Dumbest argument about the DH..."Oh no, what will ever happen to the double switch!?!?!?!" Apparently, this is the most exciting play in baseball for delusional purists. Also, nothing real complex about having a permanent .100 hitter at the bottom of the lineup. Such a waste. 2) Amazing! We agreed on something. 3) Read this article: Dumbest Rule in Baseball -- makes a lot of good points 4) See #2 5) I wasn't being serious about actually banning it. However, I would like someone in the Rangers' dugout to hold Wash's hands to his side when he gets the urge to send in a sign for a bunt.
  19. Yes. And with year-round interleague play, now is the time to do it. It will probably happen soon. Hopefully. A sacrifice bunt is nothing more than a waste of an out.
  20. Things that should be eradicated from baseball (in order of importance): 1) Pitchers hitting in the NL 2) Charging the mound/Brawls 3) Collisions at home plate -- Verducci had a good column on this the other day 4) The Wave 5) Sacrifice bunts (If Wash bunts with Elvis in the first inning again, so help me God...)
  21. Otherwise, you'll get a bunch of garbage posts about how everyone has different tastes, which is what makes this wonderful world spin around and around. Oh wait, we already have.
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