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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. With the number of times Maxine Waters has "misspoke" over the years, I'm more inclined to believe that she is just that stupid.
  2. Well, Jefferson and Adams weren't at the Constitutional Convention, but it was a big issue for Jefferson who was concerned about the abuse of power that could be displayed by long-serving representatives. Madison did write favorably about not having term limits in the Federalist Papers, though. I'm not sure what the vote was like or how often term limits was discussed at the Convention or why the Articles of Confederation had a limit, but the Constitution did not. Of course, times were different back then, and it might not have been a big concern. The turnover rate in Congress was much hi
  3. There's nothing undemocratic about term limits. In fact, I think it better preserves a democracy from the rule of the few or the elite. You only need to look at the quotes and writings from Jefferson, Adams, Franklin, et al., to see how important some founders found term limits to be.
  4. I'm thinking 2 terms for the Senate and 6 for the House. 12 total years in one house of Congress is plenty. If a particular Rep or Senator is that popular, a hand-picked successor should sate the voters' desire to keep the status quo. I guess term limits make too much sense to garner any real traction. It eliminates career politicians by incentivizing them to focus on accomplishing something rather than looking for the best way to entrench themselves. It would also lessen the impact of special interests by having large turnover in committees. It has the potential to engage the voters mo
  5. Explain to me again why term limits is a bad thing?
  6. It is a good album. It didn't immediately grab me the way Gorilla Manor did, but it has definitely grown on me over a few listens.
  7. I heard some of fun.'s performance, and I thought my eardrums were going to start bleeding. Weren't there a bunch of people on this forum saying how great they were?
  8. From the Grammy website: I can't remember the last time I watched the Grammys. Most of the music recognized just doesn't appeal to me, and the same goes for the performances.
  9. Best show in the history of television.
  10. I thought it was a decent movie. The dialogue in that film was a tad too "on-the-nose" at times when it was hitting you over the head about aging, etc.
  11. The thing is, it's easier to play music from your phone in your car and get a whole lot more music on it than a CD. As soon as lossless song files are made readily available, there will be no reason to own a CD. At least vinyl gives you a different listening experience, which is why it was always stick around as a niche market.
  12. This is an infinitely more interesting topic than Sun Volt, though.
  13. Do you know how long ago he tried satellite service? My dad lives in the country and he gets satellite internet service. I'm not sure how much he pays, but the service is vastly improved from when he first moved there.
  14. I won't miss Saturday mail. It's not really necessary. The PAEA is puzzling in its requirement for prepayment of benefits. The article linked to above was filled with a lot of rhetoric from a union representative, so I don't know that I would put a whole lot of stock into it. If it was such a union buster of a bill, why did it fly through Congress unopposed? It might have more to do with the fact that Congress can now use that $5.5 billion for more questionable budget finagling. The easiest fix seems to be refunding the overpayments. I'm sure you'll find plenty of bipartisan support a
  15. Watched this last night and loved it. Went back through this thread and couldn't believe how off-the-mark Lefsetz was in his blog entry. The story of the film was just as much about South Africa as it was Rodriguez. Especially his music's importance to a part of the anti-apartheid movement, and the censorship and insularity that existed under the South African government. That's why the small blip of a tour in Australia in the early '80s means nothing to this story.
  16. How is negativity about Jay Farrar's last few albums unfounded?
  17. I wish. It's too late for that. Especially with the high cost of school, my lack of any science background, and the fact that I make a decent salary now. Add in a family and a new house, and it just wouldn't be feasible. I do appreciate the sentiment though. But I'll just have to make it as one of my many interests and hobbies. I do admire those that love their jobs.
  18. I couldn't care less how well he does. He wouldn't be worth that price without all the off-field shenanigans.
  19. All kidding aside, I'm a huge geology nerd. And volcanology. I often wish that I had realized my love of these subjects earlier in my life and pursued them in college.
  20. Paleontology? Don't we have human records of our time here on Earth living with the dinosaurs?
  21. Born Again in the USA is the last great thing Tweedy has done.
  22. Why couldn't Nelson Cruz have given any PEDs to Michael Young last year? He clearly needed them. We could still be celebrating a World Series win.
  23. Really? They wouldn't be my #1, but I would be hard-pressed to think of 30 American bands I like more.
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