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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. Yup. Still hoping for a comeback.
  2. A Wilco song came up on shuffle the other day. I skipped it. In all honesty, the last three albums have zapped all the Wilco enthusiasm I used to have.
  3. Wait a minute. I take that back. I wish only white men voted. Whew. I almost forgot which side I am supposed to be on.
  4. Maybe as a model for other bands that want to take control over their careers?
  5. My favorite character of his will always be Ray Barboni from Get Shorty. Marshall Cisco in Out of Sight is a close second.
  6. I've heard multiple reports of how they've returned to a harder style and how great the new bass player is, so I'm really looking forward to what they come up with next. Top to bottom, I would go with The Dirty South. But Decoration Day has a few of my absolute favorites on it.
  7. That looks to be a timeline cobbled together by wire reports back in April of 2012. I guess my question would be...do we know with any degree of certainty that Zimmerman followed or tried to find Martin after hanging up with the 911 dispatcher? Where did the incident take place? Was it near where he said he would wait for police? If he lost sight of Martin, how did the altercation happen? If Martin ran away, did Zimmerman look for him and ultimately find him? Did Martin come back to initiate the confrontation? I'm actually surprised they even attempted to go after a 2nd-degree murder charge.
  8. To me, that's the most interesting aspect of all of this. I don't find it boring. Plus, I don't think it's a waste to read differing points of view on such a hot-button topic. But that's just me.
  9. I haven't followed any of the trial, so I don't know what other evidence is out there. But after just reading the transcript of the 911 call, I don't see how you can come to your conclusion. After the dispatcher says "We don't need you to do that," Zimmerman says "OK" and then starts making arrangements with the dispatcher where the police can meet him. Was there testimony that he was still following him at that point? Because on the transcript he even says, "I don't know where this kid is."
  10. I'm just the opposite on DBT. I haven't loved an album of theirs since The Dirty South. And I'm actually glad that Shonna is not in the band anymore. I thought she dragged them down, especially when she wrote songs and sang them.
  11. Southeastern is really, really good. But let's not get carried away.
  12. Vitalogy No Code Yield Pearl Jam Vs. Ten Binaural Backspacer Riot Act
  13. I don't mind. I'll go back 5 elections since 1996 was my first presidential election. 1996 - Bill Clinton 2000 - Libertarian candidate (don't know name) 2004 - Libertarian candidate (don't know name) 2008 - John McCain 2012 - Mitt Romney
  14. You just have to roll with it. I'm sure I've been labelled as a right-wing zealot by some here and elsewhere. Although, in Texas and within my family, I'm sometimes seen as middle-of-the-road all the way to commie pinko liberal.
  15. Also, for the record, I have never changed my username.
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