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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. I don't think I've ever had a bad ceviche. Great stuff.
  2. I doubt Timberlake would write a protest song.
  3. Why are you listening to Rush? Masochist? EDIT: The band or the talk show host.
  4. Re: Wendy Davis Every politician has to seize the opportunity when it presents itself. That's all she's done. A friend of mine worked in her office and raves about her. The problem is that she'll still get beat soundly in the governor's race. It's just a matter of how close she can make it.
  5. I would take either one of them in a heartbeat for the Rangers.
  6. There's no reason to drink beer just because it's cheap. Especially when there are so many small breweries producing great beer.
  7. Ragtime is great. I think it's a solid album with some of the most interesting songs she's ever written. It isn't as great as her previous two, but that's an unfair and impossible standard to hold her to. I am surprised that I seem to be in the minority in thinking Middle Cyclone is her best.
  8. When are people/hipsters going to stop drinking PBR?
  9. A bad one at that, too. In the comments section, someone posted links to the writer's previous reviews of Middle Cyclone and The Tigers Have Spoken... for other publications. She lifted a lot of the same stuff she wrote about Middle Cyclone for this review. Not to mention the fact that she didn't seem to listen to any of the lyrics.
  10. Aren't the secession talks in Maryland and Colorado about certain counties seceding from their states? Who constitutes the voice of "Texas" as "it" regularly brings up secession? Rick Perry--not the sharpest knife in the drawer--did make those comments 4 years ago, but has never seriously considered secession as an option and has repeatedly stated that ever since.
  11. You're right as far as presidential elections go. I'm mainly talking about state and local levels of government, where there seems to be greater disparity between the two parties. I can only speak to Texas, but a lot of times, the biggest fight is in the Republican primary. There is rarely a Democratic candidate who can put up even the semblance of a fight. In an ideal situation, a centrist Democrat might appeal enough to more moderate Republicans to encourage them to vote that way. But I'm sure I'm underestimating the pull of party affiliation where even the worst members of "your" party ar
  12. I don't know of any rational Conservatives or Republicans who don't have a serious problem with the direction the party has been going in over the last decade. Unfortunately, the money is with that part of the party I find reprehensible. It really shows up locally, where state senate and state house seats are won by relative nobodies who are able to attach themselves to the faction of the party with the most money. This part of the party is also the most vocal and motivated to vote, which is why Ted Cruz can sneak away with a win in a primary runoff. It's frustrating. But the presidential el
  13. I haven't listened to it enough to rank it, but it would be hard for anything to top Middle Cyclone for me. I still remember the first time I listened to that album. I was in my office listening on headphones, being blown away and then it all culminated with Prison Girls and a moment in that song that caused me to well up. It's a reaction I get whenever I'm experiencing something that can't be described by words. Anyway, all that to say Neko Case is a transcendental artist.
  14. Not sure what you are trying to imply with that first sentence, but it will be interesting how the moderators here handle a post like that...
  15. Hixter, are you in SA or Houston? If SA, Freetail is having a bottle release on September 21. Well worth the effort.
  16. Of course. I was just offering some suggestions of some other wineries in the area that would be worth trying, assuming you're from the area. Which I guess is a bad assumption since Chateau Ste. Michelle is available nationally.
  17. With the explosion of the craft beer scene, great and unique beer is now easy to find. The two I listed above are great examples of that. Viking Metal is a smoked ale aged in gin barrels and Atrial Rubicite is a sour beer fermented in oak with raspberries. Also, there are some great wineries in Washington that are a lot better than Chateau Ste. Michelle, if you're interested (recently went on a mini wine tour in Woodinville and Chateau Ste. Michelle was easily the worst of what we tasted). Brian Carter Cellars, Januik, Novelty Hill, and Matthews just to name a few. Also, the Walla Walla wine
  18. This weekend I'm headed down to Austin to pick up 3 bottles of this: Can't wait!
  19. I didn't even know the kids who shot him were black.
  20. It's not my favorite on the album, but the choice to go a cappella with it really makes it work.
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