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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. Also, the question mark needs to be outside the quotation marks. Sheesh.
  2. With the late Thanksgiving this year, we'll probably start getting the decorations out over the next couple of weekends.
  3. But it's a converted Olympic stadium. And wasn't it largely paid for by private entities for the Olympics? I don't think this is some taxpayer-funded baseball stadium that will barely last 20 years.
  4. Dora isn't bad. Especially for really young kids. It's something that they grow out of pretty quickly, though.
  5. Are you implying that Jaden Smith has demonstrated great wisdom?
  6. I just found it humorous that calling Benghazi, which was an attack on Americans on September 11 that resulted in the loss of lives a "mini 9/11" produced such moral outrage on this thread and then someone compares it to Whitewater and Lewinsky a few posts later with no response. I find the focus on the alleged cover-up to be maddening. Especially since the TV in my company's break room is always on Fox News and every time I walk through I hear the same things over and over. But the GOP's focus has been in the wrong places a lot these last few years.
  7. So, for future reference: Comparing Benghazi to Whitewater or Monica Lewinsky = good Comparing Benghazi to 9/11 = offensive
  8. Is this the source of your constant anger???? Stop listening to that crap.
  9. So nobody thinks Nirvana deserves to be inducted?
  10. There are only 6 studio albums and they are all essential.
  11. Those are definitely the elections I take most seriously, too.
  12. I would characterize my dad and his wife as pretty far to the right on the political spectrum, and they have been extremely fed up with what has transpired over the last two weeks. That being said, I doubt there is anything that would drive them to vote for a Democrat, but it will be interesting to see if the more moderate wing of the GOP can gain some traction, because I think a lot of people would welcome that kind of shift.
  13. So even though that original story referred to it as "tea party," and its own website refers to itself as the Tea Party, you will continue to use it as an acronym? Interesting choice.
  14. Ugh. I have absolutely no interest in seeing any of these remaining teams win.
  15. I didn't like it. Still cool, though.
  16. But crunchy white onions and cilantro are the perfect toppings for any taco.
  17. How can someone not like onions? Crazy.
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