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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. Can't Stand It is a solid tune. I remember once falling into the trap of saying how much I hated this song after reading Learning How to Die. You'll grow out of it. Besides, as Sir Stewart pointed out, there are plenty of Wilco songs to genuinely dislike. You should also check out the second half of Sky Blue Sky. Or the middle of The Whole Love.
  2. Not a fan of his either, but he has always seemed like a pretty decent guy.
  3. The moment I first thought of when I saw the thread title is a little broader in scope. As a teenager, I was mired in early- to mid-'90s country (although, I still defend some of it to this day). That was all I listened to. In fact, I remember a school assembly/talent show in high school were a student-formed band played Pearl Jam covers. I had never heard those songs before in my life. I slowly started listening to stuff outside my country realm, but never really embraced anything. This includes bands that I consider essential now (Alice in Chains, Nirvana, Pearl Jam) and bands that I
  4. Yu!!!!!!!!!! So damn close. Aaaaaaaaaerrrrrrrrrggggghhhh!
  5. Dewhurst wasn't a great candidate and he actually beat Cruz in the primary. But the runoff was a different story, where money and getting people to actually vote benefited the Tea Party candidate in this case. Maybe he did. I don't know. I know nothing about guns.
  6. That isn't true. The only gun found in the trunk was a 12-gauge shotgun. He did use the AR-15 in the shootings. To me, the most salient point of the Maddow piece was that the AR-15 is a gun that could not have been purchased from 1994-2004 when Feinstein's law was in effect. Does that mean he would have done this anyway with a different gun? Would it have meant less loss of life? A lot of questions. And Feinstein's point about how many different types of guns do Americans need definitely resonates. Also, I hope the Republican party can come up with a good candidate to run against Ted
  7. The strangest thing to me about homophobia is how the basis for all the ignorance and hatred stems from the belief that someone's sexuality is a choice. As if these same people at some point in their own lives "decided" to be straight rather than gay. It's innate. Of course, maybe it isn't so strange after all. The inability to grasp that something that is innate can be different in other people. Anyway, it's frustrating.
  8. My oldest brother introduced me to Songpop a while ago. But after I absolutely smoked him in a few games, he stopped playing.
  9. The Dead's not for me. And as with any fervent and maniacal fan base, it's always fun to poke and prod a little.
  10. Just listened to these back-to-back. For me, it's not even close. The studio version destroys the Ya-Ya's version.
  11. I still haven't listened to the new one yet. The Great Destroyer is my favorite of theirs. But I thought C'mon was excellent.
  12. Low is outstanding. Period. You should seek out more of their stuff. My favorite three albums of theirs (in my order of preference): The Great Destroyer (2005) C'mon (2011) Things We Lost in the Fire (2001) They also have a great Christmas EP.
  13. That's a shame. All of the Mermaid Avenues have some incredibly strong tracks from Billy Bragg. No reason to deprive yourself of some great songs.
  14. By a country mile. In all facets. I know they're never leaving the Loft, but what I wouldn't give for their next album to follow the AGIB model.
  15. I haven't read everything that any of my favorite authors have written. But I'm a huge fan of Michael Chabon and Louis de Bernieres.
  16. Other than a few songs on Okemah, I still haven't been able to get into anything of Jay's since Sebastopol. There's really nothing there for me to latch on to.
  17. I remember reading something about that book a while back and it definitely intrigued me. However, I don't think I can read it. Ever since my hospitalization, I've suffered through various degrees of health-related anxiety. I'm afraid that book could turn into the most horrific thing I could ever read. Also, I have no desire to ever read Infinite Jest. Finally, I just committed to a bunch of books I bought for the Kindle. I'm not sure what order I'll go in, though:
  18. I haven't listened to it yet. But I do love the cover artwork.
  19. I don't think he's being forced out. But I do think his feelings got hurt a little and he's using a local columnist and good friend as a mouthpiece for his frustration. Of course, if he were to no longer be with the Rangers, I don't think his departure means a whole lot in a baseball sense. He's a good figurehead and he's made a positive impact. I think he was a big reason for the Mike Maddux hire. He also pulled the franchise through the sale. However, he really wanted Roy Oswalt last year and spearheaded that move. And he was against the Yu Darvish signing. There seems to be an old
  20. Pretty sure Madison wrote the Bill of Rights. And I doubt Jefferson or Adams had much influence on the Convention. They were both in Europe. Unless the delegates were constantly checking their email accounts.
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