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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. I didn't think the Angels had any real fans...just tourists that check out the team after going to Disneyland.
  2. Lancaster, Arlington, Forney just got hit hard...maybe an elementary school there
  3. There was a nursing home that got hit pretty bad at Green Oaks near Lake Arlington, fairly close to Bowman Springs Park
  4. Crow, you okay? Any other Dallas-area people out there? It's been crazy this afternoon.
  5. I think the '80s is the most underrated decade. I'm a new music listener, so I prefer to stay in the present. But I think the 2000s were an incredible decade for music.
  6. Yeah, it's pretty good. Very entertaining. Nothing transcendent. I haven't seen the movie yet, I was planning on reading the whole trilogy before going. But the strength of the book is Katniss's narration and internal thoughts and dialogue, which might not show up as strongly on the screen. I'm also unsure of how a PG-13 movie was able to convey the brutality of the event and the control of the capitol.
  7. How is it not? Judicial review was fully expected by the drafters of the Constitution, which became official with Marshall's opinion in Marbury v. Madison.
  8. I don't know that I would call it my favorite, but I thought it was really good.
  9. Some of my favorites from this year so far: White Rabbits - Milk Famous First Aid Kit - The Lion's Roar Cloud Nothings - Attack on Memory Heartless Bastards - Arrow Craig Finn - Clear Heart Full Eyes
  10. I can't really remember the last time I listened to Wilco. But that's true about all of my favorite bands. I am too focused on new music and the possibility of finding a new Wilco, or The National, or Spoon, etc.
  11. It depends on how you define fair. Everyone is for fairness, just different ways of implementing it.
  12. There's nothing sadder than having to put a cone on your dog. Our chocolate lab needed it at one point because he kept licking his foot raw. He was so depressed with that thing on, and since he's so big, he kept running into things with it.
  13. Somewhat related to that point, a state senator's office here in Fort Worth was firebombed. I have a good friend that works for that senator. He wasn't there and no one was hurt, but it just doesn't make any sense.
  14. Undecided. It definitely requires a few listens, and Mercer has earned that from me.
  15. Thanks. I always forget to check Spinner for new albums. Now I can have an official opinion on this one after 5 minutes.
  16. I'm just anxious to hear the thing. I missed the free stream from a few days ago.
  17. Sounds like a conspiracy to me. I'd stay indoors.
  18. I don't think sonicshoulder was remarking about anything illegal, just the fact that there seems to be such strong opinions about the album before its official release date and, thus, the time necessary to allow it to really sink in.
  19. Unfortunately, I think a lot of the venom towards Obama can be traced back to racism. Everyone will certainly deny it, but for a large section of the country, Obama's skin color exacerbates the issue for those people. It's also weird how the health care issue has unfolded among a portion of the Republican base. I'm not sure why attacking birth control and women's reproductive rights is seen as a means of attacking the PPACA. Especially in the guise of religious freedom. Then again, I hate how the abortion issue has remained as strong as ever in the national political discourse.
  20. I'm certainly not on here to try to change anyone's mind on something. It's just fun to debate some things as long as the discourse remains civil. People do tend to get fired up pretty easily around here, though.
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