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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. It really bugs the crap out of me. My wife and I went to a really nice wedding recently where Handel's name was misspelled in the program (Handle) and the possessive of the bride's last name was screwed up (last name of Rogers..."a Roger's family tradition" *). I couldn't focus on anything else. *Name changed to protect the guilty
  2. You can't go wrong with a Lab (see avatar), unless the allergy is too bad. We got him shortly after we were married and our daughter (who came three years later) and he are best friends. We won't even be gone a day on a vacation before she starts telling us how much she misses him. Also, in my opinion, the bigger the dog, the better. Especially with young kids.
  3. I never thought of velcro as "dumbing down" society. That's just weird. Making things easier or more convenient doesn't mean something has been "dumbed down." However, I have become increasingly annoyed by the general public's inability to spell or use correct grammar, which is why I pointed out the original poster's mistake on the plural form of thesaurus. When did using apostrophes to make words plural become such a prevalent practice? Why is spelling no longer an important skill to possess?
  4. That's one of the books I got for Christmas. Haven't started it yet. Just finished:
  5. I think it's just that we hear about these bad service examples more frequently now. You're not going to hear from the millions of people that have good experiences, so the many who don't sound louder than ever. For every bad service example I can think of that has happened to me, there has been 10-15 good-to-great experiences.
  6. I always find these stories interesting, because I have rarely experienced them. Especially with DirecTV, which has been customer service platinum for me for over 15 years (going back to my college days). Plus, my AT&T DSL has been perfectly adequate, so I haven't felt the need to upgrade yet. But I certainly sympathize.
  7. We'll pick up your slack...we're planning on moving further away from our job locations.
  8. My wife makes the peanut brittle recipe her grandmother made. All done in the microwave and it's the best peanut brittle I've ever eaten.
  9. Between this story and catching someone using illegal substances, I would hit the job boards if at all possible.
  10. DBT has just really disappointed me lately. I thought The Big To-Do was going to lead to their righting the ship, but I really dislike Go-Go Boots. And I don't think the songwriting is even close to what they did through The Dirty South. Plus, Shonna's songs were terrible. As for the other mentioned bands, I really like Bon Iver, can't stand Mumford & Sons, and don't like Dawes. So there.
  11. It's true for me. The Big To-Do is probably the best of the bunch, and Brighter than Creation's Dark is too bloated. There are some great songs there, but more than half of it sounds like filler.
  12. Hopefully, they change things up. Their last four albums have been pretty average, with Go-Go Boots being their worst.
  13. I don't understand how what you read after the fact can affect your enjoyment of the show.
  14. Her Christmas CD is really good too. Especially "Calling on Mary."
  15. Aimee Mann is incredible. The only album of hers that didn't really work for me was The Forgotten Arm, but everything else is spectacular. Especially her most recent, @#%&*! Smilers, which is probably my second favorite behind Bachelor #2.
  16. "Continue to listen to" or "listening to for quite some time in the future" seem like low thresholds for greatness. There should be something more. I don't think an album from this year had that. At least, not for me.
  17. Agreed. Although, it seems like this year there isn't a single album that is "top 10 good." A lot of good albums, but nothing great this year.
  18. He's done it twice. Yet everybody forgets that when it comes time to lionize him for being such a great teammate. (I like Michael Young, by the way, I just think he gets too much credit sometimes.)
  19. I was a big fan of the Rural Alberta Advantage album, too. Although the Malkmus and Okkervil River didn't do a lot for me. To be honest, though, I'd forgotten about Okkervil River, so I might need to give it another listen. I thought Wye Oak and St. Vincent were excellent, but was very disappointed in DBT and A.A. Bondy. Least favorite album by the Truckers by far.
  20. Fraser Firs are definitely the best. Not even close.
  21. I agree. I worked on a Christmas tree lot in high school and college and one of the great joys each year growing up was going to pick out our tree. It's a compromise I've had to make, but we found a really nice tree that looks fairly real and we decorate it nicely, so it's all good.
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