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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. Is the lone vote for Either Way a joke?
  2. Unbelievable series so far. I'll be at the Ballpark Saturday night. Can't wait, because after this win, that place is going to be rocking.
  3. Still not sure what to make of KSU. Of course, with a second consecutive Rangers postseason run to the World Series, my focus has been purely on baseball.
  4. I feel like revisiting a favorite of mine.
  5. My tiers would look like this: YHF, AGIB, BT ST AM, TWL W(ta), SBS
  6. What's wrong with Justin on Twitter?
  7. Exactly. The Rangers did not hit a home run in their 9-run third inning Saturday night.
  8. I disagree completely. Middle of the order is just supposed to drive in runs. He doesn't have to hit home runs in order to do that.
  9. Hamilton hit .308 for the series with 4 doubles and 5 RBIs on a bad groin.
  10. I don't dislike any of those. Although none of them are near my favorites list. Plus, my daughter loves "You Never Know," so the chance to hear her sing it makes it a song I play often. And "Sonny Feeling" and "Deeper Down" are two of my favorites from WTA.
  11. My preferences change too, but I look at it in as objective of a way possible. Just because you want to listen to a particular album more at any given time, doesn't make it your #1 album. For instance, I will always rate YHF as the best Wilco album, even though there are days where it may be the last one I want to listen to.
  12. Leave Me Like You Found Me & What Light
  13. I have always been a bit perplexed by the amount of love "The Lonely 1" gets. I would probably rate it as my third least-favorite Wilco song.
  14. What happened to the "I love the Whole Love" thread? Did it get deleted? Or did I just miss it? Anyway, I listened to this album again yesterday and it's good. It's just not that good. I think there are definitely 7-8 great songs on here, which makes it a very good album. But the rest is fairly ordinary and nothing I would be excited about if there was another band not named Wilco attached to them. The great songs: Art of Almost I Might Sunloathe Black Moon Standing O (maybe not great, but I love where it's placed on the album and it serves its purpose well, much like I'm a Wheel) Ris
  15. It isn't outlawed. I have a few friends that don't like The Beatles. It isn't a problem. It leads to some fun and interesting discussion. The point you seem to be missing is that you gleefully mentioned how you hate The Beatles without ever having listened to an album. And your smug tone regarding anything about The Beatles demonstrates how you take great pleasure in being this contrarian voice, so I simply ascribed that to your post about the movies you haven't seen. Any band or movie or book or television show that I say I don't like is purely a result of my experience with it. It ma
  16. I think it's far from an excellent piece. Being willfully ignorant and then condemning the very thing that you choose not to experience for yourself is a pretty stupid way to go through life. So, in your case, railing against The Beatles just because you can or taking some perverse pleasure in not ever seeing a certain movie that a lot of people enjoy strikes me as immature and dumb.
  17. Same thing has been happening to me. Not a huge deal since I'm able to sign in, but thought I would mention having the same problem.
  18. Now do you mean threads about fellows named AL or are you talking about threads that discuss the bad Steven Spielberg movie? Either way, I guess they should be treated equally.
  19. I personally don't consider Summerteeth a masterpiece. I love it, but there is something a little off about it that keeps it below the other three.
  20. I only have two complaints about disc 2 of Being There: 1) the unnecessary addition of Outta Mind, and 2) The Lonely 1, which is a song that has never really grabbed me. That being said, I listen to this album straight through every time and love every minute of it. One of Wilco's three masterpieces.
  21. Yeah, I would hope that the presence of a cover story didn't influence the review.
  22. I think you're being too hard on a show that has only aired two episodes and still trying to find its footing (with a new cast member no less). Episode 1 was about her moving in and episode 2 was about her breaking free from her ex. Since those were the two A-plots, of course it's going to mainly seem about her only. We have gotten some small snippets of character in the other roommates. Hopefully, there is more, because I agree that those characters need to be fleshed out more. But I don't think it's unbelievable to feel loyalty to a new roommate. Especially a good-looking female roomm
  23. I think New Girl has been pretty good, too. They did explain that Wayans' character was subletting while this new one was out of the country. They only had to find a new actor because Happy Endings was picked up and he went back to that show. And since the entire premise of the show is a girl living with 3 guys, do we really need a 4-episode arc to get to that point?
  24. There are a lot of broad generalizations in there that I'm not sure are true. Plus, Radiohead is a bigger, more popular band, so you're going to find more people that fit that description. Personally, I've encountered very few, if any, of that type of Radiohead fan.
  25. There are a lot of Wilco fans like this, too.
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