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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. But what can I do if I can't go to the show that I bought tickets for?
  2. I put in a request for Hotel Arizona in Dallas. I would encourage everyone else to do the same.
  3. I still religiously read their reviews and pay very little attention to the ratings each album receives. If the review sounds like something that may interest me, I'll check it out on Spotify and form an opinion. There's no reason to get all upset about any reviews, especially one that reads fairly positive about an album. Not everyone is going to think this is a masterpiece (and rightfully so, at this point).
  4. You can only charge what people are willing to pay. If people are willing to spend that much on tickets they might not have been able to purchase initially, then that's what the market dictates. My question is this, after reading ditty's comment multiple times, I'm still not sure what his argument/solution is. My presale tickets are paperless. If I can't use them, what's my recourse? Did this stop people from buying tickets to sell in the secondary market?
  5. Perhaps ticket brokers and scalpers are doing a service for some people. Not everyone is capable of jumping online at the exact time tickets go on sale. Offering these tickets in a secondary market allows those people the opportunity to buy tickets they might not have ordinarily been able to purchase.
  6. Not sure what you're listening to Crow. The Ticket is easily the best station in town, and everyone on there has been rightfully defending Romo. In fact, I have not heard anyone say (a) or © all season.
  7. Yeah, I think I remember Solace telling us that the rating is actually a consensus-type rating of everyone there. That's why the reviews can sometimes seem incongruous. I think the score might be a little low, but the actual review was pretty fair. I actually think that once you spend a little more time with this one the lyrical themes throughout the album won't seem as inconsistent.
  8. I liked it at first. But it has definitely worn out its welcome. In fact, I often skip it whenever I listen to Wilco (the album).
  9. I take it you're not a Joanne Greenbaum fan? I looked up a lot of her art when I found out she had done the cover, and I like it.
  10. I was getting tired of all the agreement in this thread. Thought I would try to shake it up. But I'm personally not a fan of jam bands.
  11. Glad you got tickets Crow. I managed to grab two at the presale on Wednesday. Same section as you but a little closer.
  12. All jam bands suck. Wilco does not suck. Therefore, Wilco is not a jam band. Case closed.
  13. I thought this was a pretty good review from the Mercury News.
  14. Yeah. I've listened to all of them. Just not for me, I guess.
  15. Not to derail the thread, but I just haven't been able to get into White Denim. Any of their albums. And I know plenty of people that really dig them. And it seems like something I should really like.
  16. So, in other words, any review that has anything critical to say about the album is a poor review?
  17. One thing that's interesting to me is that, a full decade later, we're still getting the rundown of YHF's history. Is it because this is the first album on their own label? Am I just so immersed in the history of Wilco that it feels more repetitive to me than most other people reading the review?
  18. So the worst thing about Wilco is Jeff Tweedy? Interesting.
  19. I think my main problem is the fact that it sounds like it belongs on Sky Blue Sky instead of this album. Lyrically and musically.
  20. I was just looking at AMG, and since giving 5 stars to Summerteeth, every album since then has gotten 4 stars.
  21. I think Kot's review has been the most accurate so far. At least, accurate in the sense that it lines up perfectly with my sentiments. The only song I'm having trouble embracing so far is "Open Mind."
  22. That's the impression I first got. Haven't really paid close attention to the rest of the lyrics in that song, so I'm not sure about context.
  23. Got two for Dallas. Third row. Very pumped!
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