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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. Just listened to Far, Far Away and heard the boing sound. Awesome. Did a string break? Of course, I don't even know that that would produce a sound like that. Also, I posted this in the After the Show forum, but I'll add it here: I'm on the fence about whether I want to hear One Sunday Morning live. It's a good song, but I'm not entirely convinced that a 12-minute folk song is something I want or need to experience at a Wilco show. How does it sound live?
  2. I'm on the fence about whether I want to hear One Sunday Morning live. It's a good song, but I'm not entirely convinced that a 12-minute folk song is something I want or need to experience at a Wilco show. How does it sound live?
  3. YHF is my favorite album of all-time. Probably always will be. Listened to it yesterday. Everything about it is perfect to my ears. The transition from Pot Kettle Black to Poor Places really stood out to me yesterday. A legendary opening song and a perfect closer. And, since they play it at every show, you forget what a great song I'm the Man Who Loves You is on the album.
  4. I've been on a big Wilco kick lately for obvious reasons and I'm anxious for September 27. But listening to all of this old material has made the difference in quality between the older stuff and the last two albums that much starker. Since listening to the stream, I'm intrigued by the new album, but cautiously optimistic. Hopefully it will exceed my expectations.
  5. I agree. Especially when you consider the fact that their quietest record (A Ghost is Born) is their best-sounding.
  6. I could be wrong, but it seems that they always play fewer songs off the album they just toured behind.
  7. I'm just glad the Rangers won't have to play the Tigers in the ALDS. I would hate to face Verlander in a five-game series.
  8. I would rather use any money designated for one of those guys on starting pitching. I can't remember who, but someone came out and stated they were happy going forward with Moreland at 1B. I would really like to re-sign CJ, but his price just keeps getting higher and there are rumors of him not being well-liked in the clubhouse. Not sure if those are accurate, though. It would surprise me a little. Of course, he may not want to come back anyway. You never know.
  9. Can I hate a song of an artist and still be a fan? Because I hate Leave Me (Like You Found Me) and What Light.
  10. Thanks for the tip! That deal is too good to pass up. I listened to it once on Spotify and liked what I heard so far. FWIW, I loved Actor a lot more than Marry Me, which seems to be the minority opinion.
  11. I can't think of a single artist other than The Beatles where I have liked every single thing they have done. As smells like flowers and Nap posted earlier, being a fan means having intense feelings towards an artist that goes both ways. Here's what I don't understand about your argument: I liked everything Wilco had done through A Ghost is Born. Sky Blue Sky comes out and doesn't stand the test of time for me. It becomes my least favorite album of Wilco's and I hardly listen to it anymore. So who do I turn my "Wilco fan membership card" in to?
  12. I wish they would retire Bull Black Nova for a while.
  13. Low - C'mon "Nothing But Heart" gives me chills. One of the most moving songs I've heard this year.
  14. What about those of us who liked Radio Cure instantly?
  15. Me too. I have a rip and listened to it once, but I'm looking forward to fully immersing myself when the actual album arrives. I also refuse to form an actual opinion of the album beyond initial impressions without hearing it this way first.
  16. But has anyone even said they "hate" SBS other than the implication from the original poster?
  17. I actually didn't like either Malkmus's or Moore's new albums. But that's just me. Verdict is still out on Tweedy.
  18. It's official. I was on the fence before, but now I officially have "hatred for SBS."
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