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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. It's not just minimalist, it's sloppy and pretty bad. I'm sure there are plenty of covers worse than a lot of those on the list, but I can definitely see somebody wanting to include it on a list like this. I'm also not a fan of Summerteeth's cover.
  2. All of these songs sound like unfinished B-sides, which is what they are of course. Nothing more, nothing less. I actually liked I Love My Label the most.
  3. I've only been listening to The Whole Love for a couple of weeks. The nine albums preceding it on that list are all absolute favorites of mine. I'll need more time with an album before it starts to crack into that upper echelon. Same goes for The King of Limbs.
  4. The Bends is the one album of theirs that hasn't aged well for me. Still a lot of classic songs that I love, but I find myself mainly wanting to listen to almost everything since then.
  5. I love both bands. A combined ranking of their albums would look like this: Yankee Hotel Foxtrot OK Computer Kid A A Ghost is Born Being There In Rainbows Summerteeth Amnesiac The Bends The Whole Love The King of Limbs A.M. Wilco (the album) Hail to the Thief Sky Blue Sky Pablo Honey
  6. That's why you don't read internet comments.
  7. Did you actually read the article? I thought it was excellent.
  8. Is the sentiment around A.M. bad around here, though? I always get the impression that, despite always winding up near the bottom of people's rankings, it's still liked by the majority. I think there is a lot more negativity around the last two albums than there is surrounding A.M. Sky Blue Sky is probably the most polarizing of Wilco's canon, and Wilco (the album) tends to be cast aside as the weakest, most boring, unimaginative, etc.
  9. I'm still undecided on Open Mind and Capitol City, but I really like Standing O and Rising Red Lung. Standing O has grown on me and I like it for what it is, a brainless rocker in the same vein as I'm a Wheel. Rising Red Lung hit me instantly as one of my favorites on the album.
  10. I've actually been surprised at the near-unanimous dislike of Wilco (the album). Don't get me wrong, I don't think it's that great. But after listening to it again recently, I think it's pretty solid. I love Deeper Down and Everlasting Everything and Sonny Feeling and Wilco (the song). In fact, my two least favorite songs on that album are One Wing and Bull Black Nova.
  11. I like A.M. and Wilco (the album) more than Sky Blue Sky.
  12. I went back through the thread and tabulated the results. Obviously, this is far from definitive. There were around 60 rankings. 1. Yankee Hotel Foxtrot -- By a pretty decent margin 2. Being There 3. Summerteeth 4. A Ghost is Born -- Only 6 points separated these three, meaning any subsequent rankings could alter this order in any direction. Remarkably close. 5. Sky Blue Sky 6. A.M. 7. Wilco (the album) -- These last three are not remotely close to the first four. Sky Blue Sky does have a pretty healthy lead for this spot, though, and the margin between all three is about the s
  13. Probably because it's just not that great of a song.
  14. Plus, that same dude seems to hold a grudge for his own misinterpretation of what Tweedy said in that interview 15 years ago.
  15. I envy you in that respect. I wish I had more restraint, because even though I'm excited about it arriving today, I can't even imagine what my excitement level would be if I hadn't heard it yet. Also, for the above posters about Amazon, I have never had any trouble ordering from them.
  16. I ordered the vinyl and the deluxe CD from Amazon and they are out for delivery this morning. Can't wait!
  17. I was a little surprised Noel Murray didn't review it, although I generally like Steven Hyden's writing. I'm pretty sure Hyden is a big fan of SBS, which might be why he called "Open Mind" stunning (?). But it feels weird to lump this album in with Sky Blue Sky. They're very different stylistically. I also think this album is a bit of a grower.
  18. The thing I don't like about reviews like that is that there is no reason for the writer to bash other artists in order to prop up the artist he or she is writing about. It's weak writing and reeks of having some sort of axe to grind. Plus, The National put on a hell of a show.
  19. I wouldn't mind hearing that one either.
  20. Other than that one blog from No Depression, has there even been one negative review of this album?
  21. If you're unwilling to pay a certain price, then you have to wait for them to come down. Otherwise, you can buy them whenever you want.
  22. You just have to wait for the price to come down.
  23. I think that's a high price to pay just for the sake of avoiding someone selling tickets for a little more than face value.
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