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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. It seems to be getting a lot of positive press. Pitchfork had a review of it the other day, too.
  2. So I guess my explanation proved unsatisfactory to you. Oh well. I'll just go on not listening to Helplessness Blues.
  3. That album isn't too bad. I think it gets knocked unfairly.
  4. C'mon is solid. Love Witches. Love the slow burn and build of Nothing But Heart.
  5. Sounds good to me. Without disagreement, this would be a boring place.
  6. I love Gangstabilly. And, for me, there isn't a song on Go-Go Boots I like better than the first four on Pizza Deliverance.
  7. Here's what I thought about Fleet Foxes (from an earlier thread) -- "For something to be beautiful, it needs to move me or affect me in some way. Despite the lushness and harmonies of this album, I'm left cold with no connection to it. I also don't think the melodies are very strong at all. And the harmonies feel tacked on as a way to move each song along, rather than something organic and natural." I'd probably rank Go-Go Boots as DBT's worst album. Shonna's songs are just not very good at all and I find the whole thing to be rather listless and boring. It's a chore to get through.
  8. I think it's their best cover art yet. But, then again, I love modern art.
  9. I wasn't though. Up to this point, in my opinion, it hasn't been a great year for music. That's all. I hope it does turn around. Bon Iver certainly helped things out by coming through. And I think there is a category between "blowing me away" and "liking a lot" that this year--so far--lacks.
  10. Like I said previously, my impressions of the year so far are based solely on the fact that there hasn't been any albums I just absolutely love. There have been a lot I really like, but nothing that I think will stick with me beyond a few weeks or months. That could obviously change, but if I compare years of music to each other, I look mainly at quality rather than quantity. Plus, a lot of bands I would consider near the top of my favorites list have put out duds this year.
  11. Might need to add The Weeknd - House of Balloons to my list of favorites.
  12. Does my opinion put a damper your enjoyment of the new album? Otherwise, I'm not sure why you take such offense.
  13. I like the colored O's. They provide a nice splash of color.
  14. I absolutely love that album cover. Love the typeface. Love the art. Everything. Best album art they have had.
  15. True. It's funny to me how people with similar tastes (which is how I view this board as compared to the rest of the world) can still differ so strongly. I'm really looking forward to hearing the Handsome Furs album. Loved Face Control. The Strokes wasn't a disappointment for me mainly because I had zero expectations. It's not bad. And I love Blood Pressures.
  16. I agree with all your disappointments except for Radiohead. Also interesting that 3 of your top 4 are albums I disliked.
  17. To avoid confusion with Celine Dion, maybe it should be titled The Whole Love (It's What Detectives Say).
  18. They don't. But it's one of the few things we have to argue about right now. Well, that and some mediocre footage of the first time they played some songs from it live.
  19. That's a good point. I'm not crazy about The Whole Love either, but I would have been embarrassed for the band if they had named it Get Well Soon Everybody.
  20. I second this. Listening to it right now.
  21. Put me in the camp that thinks The Whole Love is infinitely better than Get Well Soon Everybody.
  22. My favorite 13 of the year so far: The Antlers - Burst Apart Bon Iver - Bon Iver EMA - Past Life Martyred Saints James Blake - James Blake The Kills - Blood Pressures Lykke Li - Wounded Rhymes Man Man - Life Fantastic Radiohead - The King of Limbs The Rural Alberta Advantage - Departing Starfucker - Reptilians TV on the Radio - Nine Types of Light Wye Oak - Civilian Yellowbirds - The Color Biggest Disappointments: Drive-By Truckers - Go-Go Boots Fleet Foxes - Helplessness Blues My Morning Jacket - Circuital
  23. It's only a disappointment in terms of the sheer amount of praise it received from critics, friends, VC members, etc. I was excited to hear it and was let down.
  24. Ha! Those could easily wind up on my top disappointments list. Along with Fleet Foxes.
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